
Jana Huttenlau went to Kenya for “Dentists for Africa”

Jana Huttenlau went to Kenya for “Dentists for Africa”

  1. Fuldaer magazine
  2. Kinzigtal
Jana Huttenlau went to Kenya for “Dentists for Africa”
For the Dentists for Africa Organization (DfA), the Zahnärztin will be in Kenya for four weeks in September. © Walter Kreuzer

Die Vorfreude is Dr. Jana Huttenlau German announcements. On the terrace of my house in Steinau it was that the Organization Dentists for Africa (DfA) would work in Kenya in four weeks September. If you make a big trip, you can be different for two years Sohn Benno.

Steinau – „As a child, I have had a traumatic experience, after Africa I have lived and with my own social experiences“, there are still 41 years of life, dying in Schlüchtern aufgewachsen ist. It’s been a year since the idea was born. When you say, “I was so happy, we had a big mangel here,” you say, laughing very loudly: “So a man like little Zahnärztin can retten a mal Leben and wirklich medizinische Hilfe leisten. Man can be born, he is no more. and man had no chance.”

Jana Huttenlau went to Kenya for “Dentists for Africa”

Was such a locker sounds, that there are serious Hintergrund: In Kenya it is now 1500 Zahnärzte. “That’s what happened in Stuttgart. In Mombasa and Nairobi, the Zahnarztdichte wohl who bei us – aber de übrigen 90 Prozent des Landes is practically zahnarztfrei. The university production never started“, the woman died 13 years in the Kölner Uni-Klinik war.

It is a self-study, workshops and stopping the care for patient treatment of patients. When these transactions take place, it can lead to profit for the DfA. For the organization, this is the only Fortbildung of sogenannten COHO-Dentisten mitwirken. Tips for the oral health officials of the community believe that the medical care in the country is applicable.

Stinging herb

Dentists for Africa (DfA) is a humanitarian, non-profit organization that has set up a medical and social project in Kenya over the past 25 years. Soul is, People in Not zu stärken and ihnen die Werkzeuge zu geben, who you are, a living life through Bildung, medizinische Versorgung and Kapazitätsaufbau zu improved. I have lost more than 900 employees in the 14 DfA-Zahnstations in their emergency services.

Huttenlau: “This information is completely absent in the Vergleich zum Studium, although the medical aspects were taken into account. In practice, if you come back with a dick, you often die.’ Dort can’t treat a man differently. Manchmal is better, the Zahn drin zu lassen, weil sonst Abszesse bilden bilden, an denen Menschen sterben”.

In 25 years DfA built 14 stations. Next to the tooth medicine is a Witwens operation and the support of Waisenkinder by Patenschaften Standbeine of the Association in most African countries. In addition in the same stations former Waisenkinder, the first support were. So it is that in Asumbi in Western Kenya a car study from the main city Nairobi takes place, where Jana Huttenlau in the medical department of the hospitals continues and works for a few weeks.

Viele Kenyan has not yet seen a single Zahnbürste

If I come up with my heart, we will enjoy Benno all my life with the following journey: “We live in a guest house with the family of Ben, a COHO dentist, one of the Waisenkinds of the DfA department. There is even a child child in the life and a few years busy. A child mother cares for the little ones.”

Your man Dominik sees the children Marla (8) and Piet (6) looking at the long journey. This flight of the 41st flight from Amsterdam with Kenya Airways in eight countries in Nairobi and by Inlandsflug in Kisumu on Lake Victoria, where and Benno for the Swedish Fahrt to Asumbi, “with 500 large homes in another world”, will be completed.

Current account

If Dr. Jana Huttenlau dies with his wife Einsatz as a dentist in Kenya with part of his money, he can die with direct accompaniment of a dentist for Africa (DfA). The Bankverbindung lautet:

Dentists for Africa eV
.IBAN: DE86 8205 1000 0140 0467 98
Sparkasse Midden-Terre
Bank name: HELADEF1WEM
Verwendungszweck: Dr. Jana Huttenlau

If you are spending an amount of money, please provide the Überweisungsformulaire address.

The experienced physician has “respect for this, guide to seeing, especially children who are, for example, incapacitated and do not go to school”. The treatment in the station must be carried out. “It is possible to find out more and more about the best time for the treatment of the patient. Here will be made the expenses, which will be spent on my einsatz and DfA.

100 Prozent des Geldes kan ich vor Ort einsetzen.’ Für Zahnarztermmine became an über den „Buschfunk“, also People from a village, who work in a Krankenhaus or Hospital, were recruited: „Then comes a whole village über zwei bis drei Tage zu ainer Station skied. “Nicht nur bei diesen Terminen is especially an Aufklärung. Huttenlau: “Viele Kenyan has not made any progress. In the international school, a ganzer Tag long becomes a Baum-geübt, wie man de Zähne putzt or een Zahnbürste hält.”

Huttenlau will beat “a few hundred Zahnbürsten”

It is a Grund, we will have a “few hundred seeds” in our packaging. 58 kilos go to the kitchen, 20 kilos go home and to the kitchen. The rest – from hand and mouth protection with disinfectants for your four polymerization lamps and lamps – that can support your contact with colleagues or partners from Curaprox and Dentsply Sirona (DS).

The erwähnten Gerätschaften, de der Kenyan Bevölkerung zugute kommen sollen, sind nur een Beispiel für die Bürokratie, met der sich Huttenlau seit Wochen auseinandersetzen muss – ganz abgesehen of Übersetzungen and beglabigten Zeugnissen. „DS must have been well prepared, that the same after our Standards was produced – whoever that bei Stromausfällen soll, kann ich nicht sagen.

There are only a few people left who think that the man thinks he can swing so well before he gets the chance”, that Jana Huttenlau is one and a few sisters with tochter Marla a delicious pack with Arztkitteln. This one has a false Größe. Also another problem, that will not happen.

Ready for the 16th War Dr. Gerd Hohenberger for the Aid Project Fire Children in Tanzania in the Deployment. The Fuldaer Orthopedics has been active since 2008 with regular use of new children’s and youth activities.