
Star Wars, XY history, …: TV-Tipps am Mittwoch

Star Wars, XY history, …: TV-Tipps am Mittwoch

In “Star Wars: Die letzten Jedi” (kabel eins) the Frieden hangs in Luke Skywalker’s Galaxy ab. Beim “großen Backen” (Sat.1) is the perfect Blätterteig gefragt. Außerdem widmet sich “XY history” (ZDF) historical Kriminalfällen.

8:15 PM, Cable Eins, Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Sci-Fi Saga

While the Republican mainstream under the flight of Leia (Carrie Fisher) suffers severe setbacks caused by the first order-leader, Rey forgives the disillusioned Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) from his self-conscious exile in his lair. Finally, Luke, plagued by guilt, explains that his three Lections are ready to take control of his new expected forces. Rey (Daisy Ridley) is burdened by the mysterious connection of his team Kylo Ren (Adam Driver), who has reached his great size.

20:15 Uhr, ZDF, XY history, Dokureihe

“XY history” is a historical Kriminal-history that describes the Tätern and its Verfolgern. Moderator Sven Voss has understood it, however it may be in the Laufe der Zeit-verändert-hoed. The first Mordkommissar Deutschlands, Ernst Gennat, who in the 1920s in Berlin fell into the spectacle and came through the seine-methods, which this heute Anwendung found, revolution in the Kriminalist revolution.

8:15 PM, Saturday 1, Das große Backen, Backshow

In the first re-examination of the Show the hobby box for the rearing, the classic Aromatic combination of Vanilla, Strawberry and Chocolate is used. If you combine the Aromatic and the Zutaten, but the Jury considers it strong, then the three main taste specifications remain fully recognizable. The technical testing also goes a bit further: the candidates can use more Blätterteig and tour.

20:15 Uhr, RTL, Wer wird Millionär? The 3-Million Euro Week, Quiz Show

The 3 million euro event will take place in the next round. There are still three candidates and candidates with Günther Jauch, who are in the qualifying round for the final and have the chance of the highest chance of victory on “Wer wird Millionär?” – drei Millionen Euro – zu erhalten. Who started on the journey to great profit? Everything can pass.

20:15 Uhr, ZDFneo, Wilsberg: Straße der Tränen, Krimi

If the experience of Emelie Boll (Annika Schrumpf) changes, they will spread under the Hashtag #woistemelie quickly become wild Theorien about the Missing Fall and possibly Verdächtige. At the center of the online hype, Ekki Talkötter (Oliver Korittke) is at work, while Emelie is in a car. Obwohl Wilsberg (Leonard Lansink) von Ekkis has incurred a debt burden, while the situation in the Horsthauser Country Road, on the “Straße der Tränen” has become a nuisance, since the relationship between two women and two days has been resolved.

From (cg/spot)