
Vitamin against Müdigkeit: Was hilft at Schlappheit?

Vitamin against Müdigkeit: Was hilft at Schlappheit?

“Hilft tegen Müdigkeit” – een zeemlich mutiger Werbespruch for a vitamin-Präparat, if man considers, who fell the Gründe Müdigkeit kann. Trotzdem das de Nerv der Zeit: Laut Statista fühlen sich 30 Prozent der Deutschen zweibis dreimal pro Woche müde and schläfrig. 18 Prozent sogar jeden Tag.

Damit diesen Menschen keine leeren Versprechungen were empowered, if Lebensmittel were prüft. In Germany, the European Behörde für Lebensmittelsicherheit (EFSA) has done its work, while the Werbesprüche is now being pressed on the Nahrungsergänzungsmittel, when the Wirkung in Studien Wissenschaftlich can best be continued. Here you can read which vitamin it is.

Vitamin against Müdigkeit: Was hilft?

The EFSA has compiled a list of common health claims for the best lifestyle and products, making “health claims” clearly visible. It is possible that there are new experiences. These “health claims” are best deleted, while the claim that they are made for health are consumed. For the following vitamin the Aussage is “trägt zur Verringerung von Müdigkeit und Ermüdung bei” Zugelassen:

  • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
  • Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
  • Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid)
  • Vitamin B9 (Folsaure)
  • Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)
  • Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)

Which vitamin is administered in case of a deficiency with the symptoms: disease and healing?

The MSD manual and the Federal Ministry of Health allow a mangle and the following vitamins for health to be composed:

  • Vitamin B1 (Thiamin)
  • Vitamin B3 (Nicotinic Acid, Niacin)
  • Vitamin B9 (Folsäure/Folat)
  • Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)
  • Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)

B-vitamin is a material product in food that ensures a well-functioning immune system. It cannot be otherwise that another vitamin ends up in a certain situation. Trotzdem gilded with the generation of vitamins becomes clear as Mangel symptom.

The vitamin basic supply in Germany is good – except for the risk factors. Here the Federal Institute for Risk Research (BfR) focuses on an unregulated supply between 80 and 90 percent of the population. If one of the most important vitamin deficiencies is one of the best vitamin deficiencies, this is the best risk group, which is treated properly after a few weeks of vitamin supply.

Is it a waste of vitamin supplements at DM, Rossmann or your company pharmacy?

Müdigkeit can be a Gründe, allen voran: Sleep deficiency. If the music lasts for a longer period and if there is no decision, then the gang on the drugstore market will never be the first time that a study is conducted. Only in the summary with a medicine can a good therapy be used, while a vitamin mangle can be used to cure the blut.

If you use the Blutbild Vitamin-Mängel very much, you can do the preparation of the individual bedding, while using a post-treatment agent for your product. These substances can be inhaled and removed by the patient with a high dosage.

An overdose is with anyone who contains vitamins that can no longer be used, because they all contain water. Vitamin preparations against müdigkeit can also contain vitamin D, but on the other hand, if the normal intestine is stored by cooking, we can come to the BfR to an overdose.