
So sweet the start of the season at Klose-Club

So sweet the start of the season at Klose-Club

– The Länderspielpause started with 1. FC Nürnberg in the right place, with the young players Debakel zu erholen, durchzuschnaufen – and zurückzublicken auf the Seasonstart under the new Trainer Miroslav Klose. A first Zwischenfazit.

Würden has played a football match with a few matches that last a season, but which have played a few times during the break and the first few match days or have a certain verrüht, all – with respect for the time of the time sliga-Primus aus Heidenheim – with curiosities and standings.

Dann had become champion with FC Schalke in the year 2001 and Dortmund in the 2022/23 season. But: Afterwards Paris St. Germain in France after the few matches of the Tabellenspitze with Inter Milan in Italy, the Premier League played ManCity and Liverpool and the Bundesliga-Aufsteiger Kiel and St. Pauli played in the Abstiegskampf.

Dieser Blick auf de Spitzenligen in Deutschland und Europa, auf Kuriositäten en erüllte Erwartungen zhe, welche Kraft ein Zwischenfazit zur Saison 2024/25 bereits in September haben kann – en welche nicht: Ob der 1. FC Nürnberg, a dessen Saisonstart is gehen soll here One of the most common seasons played is nice or absent or abermals in the table field, it is not that four matchdays are free, nor anything else.

Due to the fact that the partial and final responsibles have no Aussagekraft, it is a mistake that has an overprotective effect. Denn: First is a quartet of the background that is played and the two collected points are easily lost. A couple of more fun games are diverse in the Leistungsstand of 1. FC Nürnberg, with the Spielidee of Trainers and with Stärken and Problemen.

The season begins

One of the best players of FC Schalke 04, a Remis of Darmstadt and Zwei Niederlagen of Karlsruher SC and of 1. FC Magdeburg: Der 1. FC Nürnberg is merged in the first four partien four punkers and erfüllte in the first pokalrunde of the short term 1. FC Saarbrücken. The person can choose for this background as a woolly player for a decent start of the season and the new personality of the trainer and sports position that the young Kader puts forward as an argument.

If you are critical, you can use these forms, which are used by the Club, as sports-playing games with individual Class and Luck. When: Michal Sevcik came back in Darmstadt to distance himself from the night of the punkt, Schalke made a profit by Franken from a complete platzverweis and 45 minutes over the road. A comparable dating and statistic is a German image, if it is viewed – with the display of 0:4-Niederlage against Magdeburg – in the summer of 2011.

An article: I am by the experts of the fachsmagazines “kicker” of the Aufsteiger in Regensburg and the tablelenschlusslicht Braunschweig schlechter as the Club. Freilich acts when it comes to a subjective maintenance, which has neither of the mass and the erwartungshaltung an influence, while the table of the “kicker” notation with the tatsächlichen tableau is refined. In the verses Saison and schnitten zwölf Zweitligisten in jener Region ab, in welcher auch ihre “kicker”-Note lies – also jeweils maximal three Platze Unterschied zwischen of realen Tablele and dem Noten-Klassement.

The Defensive

Seen from the subject forgotten “kicker” -Notes are more individualized and known, well at the Beroteilung of the Nuremberg Seasonal Tournament of Help can be. Spoiler reference method Warning: Many numbers can be worrying. Everything that is done here with the beruhigung is the end of the playing time of four players is no longer possible – a Blik will come from there.

The offensive is now: Nur Braunschweig and Darmstadt, the time they both stay in the 2. Bundesliga, plays more as a player of 1. FC Nürnberg.

We see the club under the new chief coach Miroslav Klose making efforts and rising, as neither in the Vorsaison. Example of a stehen gegnerische flank: In de Vergangen Saison, a Gros der Gegentreffer aus Flankensituationen, weshalb man sich in Nürnberg wünschte, a small Anfälligkeit nach Hereingaben zu erreichen results. Black is the Klose-Elf, nor is it the case that the flanks are like this, thanks to an improved Boxverteidigung and a good Staffelung in Strafraum entstehen aber kaum Abschlüsse für den Gegner.

If you join the Club Professionals in the most competitive defensive games in your own country, you will participate in the greatest duels. Entsprechend agierte der 1. FC Nürnberg bislang oftmals passive, setzte selten auf a hohes Pressing and generierte demnach auch kaum ballgewinne in Torraumnähe – and that is necessarily not schlimm, without sweeping auch a Frage der Philosophie.

In Miroslav Klose’s Philosophy the theme “Intensität” plays a major role – and this ensemble is wonderful. After 0:4-Debakel gegen Magdeburg sprach der Cheftrainer über einen der Hauptgründe für die herbe Niederlage: “Wir hatten heute auch nichtige Intensität in unserem Spiel, um etwas mitsunehmen.” You can intensify the intensity of the training at the swimming camp training, even if the training is interpreted on the athletic aspects of football matches. Letztere indes prechen nicht für the Club: Kein Zweitligist stuff bislang weniger Kilometer ab as der Club, auch insichtlich der zucken Sprints rangiert der Nürnberger Herz- und Schmerzverein in lower Mittelfeld der 2. Bundesliga. Everything that happens in the defensive battle in the Drittel is gilded here: a high number of sprints and a high number of kilometers run is not generally a success criterion. The VfB Stuttgart, the season that was played as vice-champion, was in both categories at the maximum in the center of the table.

It was the leadership of head coach Sebastian Hoeneß who gave Joti Chatzialexiou the title at FC St. Pauli and Bayer Leverkusen as a possible prospect for the 1. FC Nürnberg, but besides, there were a few young people, a real chance, who found themselves in the “Expected” goals against” messing welds. In this category, the Zweitliga-Saison nur de SpVgg Greuther Fürth und Schlusslicht Braunschweig is a schwächeren Wert auf as der Club. The Kleeblatt aber setzt – so ließ es zuletzt Trainer Alexander Zorniger anchors – one of the most important risks and darauf, is a Tor more zu erzielen as der Gegner. I am sinful: 4:3 is better than 1:0. The next one: Black Kleeblatt will probably be played in the right place, it is played with several high scores in the offensive and lies with a click on the own “expected goals” on a grim zweiten Platz. Während Fürth also has a big offensive problem in defensive compensation, allowing the club to attack and the ball to go through the shot.

The attack

The problem of the Nuremberg offensive in the second phase has been solved: the playground equipment and the creation of Chancen. Grundsätzlich wants chief trainer Miroslav Klose to start training Amtszeit in Valznerweiher, Dynamik, Dominanz and Ballbesitz. Bislang jedoch hat der Club in Durchschnitt de zweirigsten Ballbesitz all Zweitligisten. In the categories who “raumge winninger Ballbesitz” and “raumge winningen Pässe” steht der Club laut der Datenbank “” sogar auf Telefoonplatz 18. Entweder, so könnte man diese Zahlen nach wenigen Wochen cleared, rückte Cheftrainer Klose aus pragmaticen Gründen von seiner grundsätzlichen Idee ab, we are young, jijammengewürfelte Truppe womöglich (noch) nicht in der Lage für dominanten Ballbesitzfußball-sieht.

Or if the Club has no more ideas, this idea is no longer possible. After the passive game and the ideas of the plaything in Darmstadt, the convinced Klose: “It is never of the football, what will happen in our proposals.”

Bisher finds the Club after a few lost times, when Sechser Flick, that you after gegnerischem-verhalten on a low-lying location less fallen, and both inner tendernesses are so. As a solution then often follows the long pass in the direction of the soul player Lukas Schleimer. So play a Torhüter Reichert of all Zweitliga-Keepern who during the long lead time. Once you have made the choice to close FC Schalke 04 in the Protocol, a man-oriented long-distance viewer is made – not even once. “Das ist zu überschaubar, what we make, nothing surprising”, bemängelte der 46-jährige, der sich more Variantenreichtum im Aufbauspiel wünscht. An example of more positioning, another article about the quality of the Passspiels, the Nürnberger has become an expensive pass quote with only 75.6 percent, which has made Dominanz freer.

If you learn the club, if you play a game and get the chance to grow, you profit with the Klose-Elf of a grim efficiency. Statistical data from the Chancen, although the Club uses a twin, 3.8 erwartete Tore – tatsächlich waren es aber sechs Hit. Of the 1. FC Nürnberg are the expected goals of the übertrifft, who can do an excellent performance by lying in an individual class, which can no longer stop in the season. And then 3.8 expected goals in four games, relatively speaking, played by Martijn Kaars of 1. FC Magdeburg donated 3.1 xG and Nur Ulm and Darmstadt had a great chance as der Club. The record of the team of chief coach Klose is the fewest shots, the fewest passes in the last three and the fewest space-winning passes.

If these problems occur, it may be that there are no problems with playing everything in the area of ​​​​the hints. If you are in a manneschijn, the 15th time you do this, the top scorer of a trainer and a new trainer have started work, but the beginning of the sand in the battle is not unchanged. Implementing a game plays out in the way a player is found a man. In a new preview, Miroslav Klose had prepared for the week “from five to six games spoken, which my team needed”. This judge is running late on the sixth game day, when Hertha BSC and ex-trainer Cristian Fiél are guests, ab. If you can no longer relax, it is impossible to leave the phase of the season in Nuremberg and the start of the season – the function of football is the first time in the half of the season.