
Use only paracetamol

Use only paracetamol

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A 36-year-old mother from Wales has undergone a short reconstructive operation after the doctor performed a fehl diagnosis. Now fehlers were eingeräumt.

Bridgend – Every day 10,000 people die in Europe with heart disease. Laut Report from the WHO has written a report of 42.5 percent of deaths. At the age of 36 he grumbles from Wales as Schicksal begins. If you are taking a heart medication, there may be a problem with the Schmerzmittel paracetamol in the main building. More media reports will diagnose this with a “trapped nerve”.

“You don’t have to worry about heart disease”: Mutter zier Kinder erleidet dlichen Herzingfarkt nach Fehldiagnose

Die Mutter zweier Kinder habe im März 2020 de Notruf gewählt, nachdem sie Schmerzen in linken Arm and in der Brust verspürt habe, so the British Boulevardzeitung The Sun. Daraufhin was taken to the Notaufnahme des Princess of Wales Hospital in Bridgend. Moreover, the fact that one of the consequences of the Koronar Syndrome remains behind – if the blood flow is completely resolved – was also geschickt. “You have a single nerve in your nerves,” that’s how it works.

Was it an acute coronary syndrome?

A strong corona syndrome is a very strong heart attack, while the blood flow through the brain is strongly reduced or blocked. It often passes through narrowed or blocked heart coronary arteries, the heart with blood supply. The main symptom is a strong bronchitis, which at some point causes a renewed pain. A gentler treatment can be the corona syndrome in the heart attacks and to death.

Source: National Institutes of Health (NIH)

„Der Arzt hatte keinen Bluttest gemacht“, erzählte Sandra B., die Mutter der 36-Jährigen, gegenüber der Boulevardzeitung. “Where a broke man becomes whatever man you can eat.” Statistics have provided evidence that the diagnosis of paracetamol has been missed. Nur wenige Stunden nach Ihrer Entlassung erlitt sie in de eigenen vier Wänden einen Herzingfarkt. „Sie wurde wegen eeninzigen Fehlers ihres Lebens beraubt“, so B. „Sie hätte nicht sterben müssen.“

Misdiagnoses as if they were no exception: In 2023, a family from Great Britain went on holiday to Turkey when his two-year-old brother suddenly became ill. If you use the treatment method, it is suitable for the Homeward-looking treatment – ​​we can see minor illnesses and the consequences of sepsis and appendix.

Mumble a rethinking piece: Good health care room for guilt and guilt itself

The general health care of the university Cwm Taf Morgannwg is now no longer useful, for the young people Mother verrwortlich zu sein. If you say that it “entails all possible risks”, tests will not be carried out during the 36th century. “We speak to the family of our deeply appreciated policy, while they work on their death”, said a speaker of the Health Department according to the Boulevard Zeitung Daily Mail.

A young woman is quickly getting to work, we will have a hearty hat.
A mother (36) of children who had a heart attack, after they had received a doctor with paracetamol in the house. (Symbol image) © YAY Images/Imago

After the debt is put into debt, the fall will be officially closed in July 2024. The family of 36 years has a deduction in the amount of 130,000 Pfund, a total amount of 154,000 Euro. “Money power is not better, if the part of the stress is released, it is schon etwas”, so die the mumbling of the deceased legs. But: “You would not be able to talk anymore, and the children would not be able to mumble anymore.” (customer)