
Heil zu VW-Plänen: Deutschland muss starkes Autoland bleiben

Heil zu VW-Plänen: Deutschland muss starkes Autoland bleiben

Berlin/Wolfsburg (dpa) – Federal Minister Hubertus Heil hat with a look at the Spare Plane at VW for the experience of all the events. “It is worth saying that the Standorte, and black all Standorte, would become and that the support would be provided,” says the SPD police from the sender NTV. «Dafür muss es jetzt Verhandlungen geben. This is the Stunde der Betriebs- und Sozialpartnerschaft. That is a good tradition at Volkswagen.»

If the Worten von Heil occurs with VW businesswirtschaftliche problems with loosening. It seems that Fehler im Management can be empowered. «Aber das is a strong Unternehmen. We became politically flanked, Heil said. The Federal Government became another Nachfrage-impulse voor Elektromobilität beschließen in the Cabinet. “Wir können bei Research and Entwicklung unterstützen,” said the minister. There is a market policy negotiation that is possible.

“Aber jetzt is the first mold of Unternehmen am Zug,” says Heil. The government, the business community and the community must come up with intelligent solutions, and all should be taken into account. It is not that this is a problem at VW, but a Zulieferketten. «Germany must live in a strong Autoland. If you have done everything, it may be that the Unternehmer and the Manager have more than one job.»

After the sparring partners have visited the Belegschaft, such a collaboration can become a fact. VW bought the assembly because the core market saves a lot of money. “Auch Werkschließungen von fahrzeugproduzierenden and Komponenten-Standorten können in der actualsituellen Situation ohne ein schnelles Gegensteuern nicht meer ausgeschlossen zijn”, here is es.