
We can call on every fourth Job Von dpa-AFX

We can call on every fourth Job Von dpa-AFX

WIESBADEN (dpa-AFX) – Für vale Erwerbstätige in Deutschland gehört schwere körperliche Anstrengung zum Arbeitsalltag. Rund ein Viertel der rund 42,3 Millionen Erwerbstätigen in Year 2022 lessestens in der Halft der Zeit schwere körperliche Arbeit, wie de Statistiek Bundesamt op de Grundlage des Microzensus messageset.

If you get the chance that you are in the shadows or the ermüdenden positions, you can reach other people in the future. Der Anteil schwer körperlich laborender Menschen war bei Mannern with 28 Prozent höher as bei Frauen with 21 Prozent.

Landwirtschaft and Bau an der Spitze

Heavy shifting would be above all in the agricultural and forestry industry in the construction industry. More could be done here if half of the expenditures were spent in half of the time of the working season. In the hospitality industry there were 40 percent of the investment firms. It is possible that the problem has ended up in the insurance and banking industry.

The company can rely on the Ergebnissen that are carried out by young people. If you have received messages more than 65 years ago, it is not yet 15 years ago by cooking beans. Setting up a migration and migration background is a bigger brand when it comes to solving a problem.