
Association for the reorganisation of the infrastructure of the DB Group

Association for the reorganisation of the infrastructure of the DB Group

“The performance of the infrastructure is extremely difficult to establish, financial support and frustration in the future of the infrastructure and the employees and employees are more likely to be sunken,” wrote the associations “Die Güterbahnen”, Mofair, the Association of Güterwagenhalter (VPI) and the Fahrgastverband Pro Bahn in een gemeinsamen Mitteilung.

In the case of a transfer of passenger and goods transport, the requirements of the railway transport companies at the start of the InfraGO are an improvement of performance in comparison with the DB network in order to receive recognition, so the association. The four associations that form a major railway reform are “among other things the natural monopoly of the infrastructure on a profit-oriented and sharper infrastructure of the DB” herauslösen soll. This Preliminary Regulation is part of the Preliminary Regulations.

“DB and the Ministry of Transport hate their chance. If the next step is taken, the growth of InfraGO will not have increased, but perhaps even decreased. All railway transport companies are limited and the costs have exploded. If you want to know more: now that the redevelopment of the DB Group’s railway infrastructures is no longer a problem, the trennung is part of the solution to the problem,” says Neele Wesseln, Managing Director of the freight railways.

Matthias Stoffregen, Geschäftsführer of Mofair, says: „The Ampelparteien were in the coalition agreement that started a Tiger, and they were then a communikative Trommelfeuer of the integrated DB-Konzerns-lassen. It’s finally gotten to the point where it’s a bet. Aus ‘Gemeinwohlorientierung’ wurde ‘Generalsanierung’ – en nichts sonst.’ A nice Bundesregierung-müsse Monopol- and Wettbewerbsbereich makes a clear running possible. Now that it has become so transparent, “We and those who are willing to take urgent action regarding the infrastructure for efficient testing have become necessary”.

Stable infrastructure for market conditions

Heiko Radke, General Secretary of the Verbands der Güterwagenhalter VPI, stated: “The Bund is finally ready to be expanded, the infrastructure is equipped in such a way that there is a stable infrastructure of market dishes for production. The Wachstums- und Klimaziele areas will now be, as the basic stimulus, on the most diverse traffic paths that can be played. A functional, oriented infrastructure for the Schiene is the orientation of the infrastructure. Wagenhalter invests in long-term economics and relationships that can be improved, because the system is well-developed and sustainable.”

“With the better infrastructure, we have come to the best of our success,” says Lukas Iffländer, Pro Bahn’s Stellvertretender Vorsitzender. The Bund must provide “an accountability for our entire infrastructure, clear and connected souls, including the German infrastructure that is directly responsible for the infrastructure infrastructure, and a route beyond the DB-Konzern zu nehmen” in order to promote the Iffländer.