
Hesse: Jede dritte hessische Firma muss Corona-Hilfen zurückzahlen

Hesse: Jede dritte hessische Firma muss Corona-Hilfen zurückzahlen

Status: 04.09.2024 10:00 am

Knapp 18 Billion Euros has the Bund and Land in Hesse and the Betriebe is being dissolved, a bit due to the Corona pandemic that is being brought. There were a number of honorees who were grateful for these Hilfen. Teilweise heißt es jetzt aber: Bitte Geld zurück!

The Hessian Startup Connfair has received 335,000 euros and Corona-Hilfen. Money, the young software company from Weiterstadt can appeal to the Beispiel on 14 months, where Arne Schäufele is one of the founders. If we want to be able to use the Regierungspräsidium Gießen, then that is worth 180,000 euros.

The Connfair Fuhrungsteam imagined a fact, it perhaps noticed that Hilfen zurückgeben muss. “We are grateful for the money we have spent on our side and since we owe our debt”, it is said that the 37-year-old Schäufele, from the Fürth in Odenwald stems from: “And we have no other Wahl, as for a Monat Insolvenz anzumelden”.

93 million euros were spent refunded

The federal government and the country have provided support for life in 2020. Companies ensure that the pandemic will continue through the pandemic and that all Ausgaben votes can be won.

The Hilfen can now use the Unternehmen, on the basis of their own Schätzungen and Anträge. However, it is important to ensure that there is no reflection or an Abschlussrechnung erstellen. If he hangs up, it is a fact that money is free. Abgerechnet became more concretely the Überbrückungshilfen, the November and December hilfen.

If the Hessian Ministry of Economic Affairs is heißt, insgesamt rechne man mit 68,000 Abrechnungen, davon seien schon 49,000 eingedingen. Bisher muesse fast jedes dritte Unternehmen (32 Prozent) Corona-Hilfen zurückzahlen. Provided that the bearbeitung of the Abschlussabrechnungen is the hessische Regierungspräsidien. A whole of the regulatory framework in Gießen is responsible for the financial support of 93 million euros.

Insgesamt haben Bund und Land knapp 18 Billiarden Euro und de Betriebe ausgezahlt.

Unternehmer: “Wir hätten das gewusst directly”

About these Returns are few so insulting reason as the Firma Connfair. The autumn of the startups is all unchanged. Denn Connfair offers software and a Veranstaltungen technology for app-einzulassen. Once you have had control, it may be that man no longer knows and can no longer stop.

If the Corona-Hilfen-War takes place, the war Connfair will bring the software to the market. If you contact the Unternehmen, you can not expect any change in your situation. An invisible war during the pandemic in the history of the war, which did not bring war with it, was the grundvoraussetzung for the Hilfen-War.

Since the Corona-Krise Connfair dennoch in Schwierigkeiten brought, etwa aufgrund der monatelange Veranstaltungsverbote, the Firma de Hilfen trotzdem and bekam si. Zu Recht, wie der Mitgründer Schäufele thinks: “If it is not the case that it is so, then it will be immediately known.” Then you will understand that the external aspects are related to the performance of the course.

Das Geld is infallen schon investiert

The fall after the outbreak of the economic affairs of the Netherlands: the consequences of the corona outbreak, which in the future will be affected by the consequences of the pandemic. If there are many cafes, restaurants and hotels, it is a problem that the pandemic is becoming more common, but it is a hotel and gastronomy association Dehoga Hessen.

The companies have urgently braucht the Hilfen, a Löhne ihrer Mitarbeiter zu ahlen and um in Masken, Desinfektionsmittel and Webshops zu investieren, erklärt Thehoga-Geschäftsführer Oliver Kasties: “Jetzt ist dieses Geld investiert und das Kracht es schwierig, die Corona-Hilfen zurückzuzahlen . ” The work being done will take a long time before the bet continues.

“These business decisions are open to all smaller business concerns,” says Hartmut Ruppricht, President of the Steuerberaterkammer Hessen: “It is a matter of concern for insolvents, because the business of the Hilfen am well established.”

Another problem is that the company is focused on solving problems with the regulation of the regulation. If these rules go to the part in the course of time, the Corona-Hilfen must be returned. The company has left the company and then followed the course of the month and brought its management to the market.

The first ab ended at the end of September

Haben Betriebe Corona-Hilfen bekommen, müssen sie bis spatestens End September the Abschlussrechnungen abgeben. Ansonsten müssen sie das samte Geld zurückzahlen. After the Hessian ministries of Wirtschaftsministeriums had received more than 19,000 Abrechnungen.

“Eine Vielzahl dieser fall kann damit zijnammenhängen, dass Steuerberater im Auftrag von Unternehmen Anträge auf Hilfen gestellt haben, aber offenbar unter Vorspiegelung false Tatsachen”, meint der Präsident der Steuerberaterkammer Ruppricht. If there is a thought, you must exercise control over the mandate. In those cases, it may happen that there are no more Abschlussrechnungen.

The Generalstaatsanwaltschaft Frankfurt in Hessen is currently investigating the suspicion of subsidy in two large embezzlement complexes. The embezzlements were aimed at ensuring that jewellery would no longer be brought to attention, but could use their tax advisors. A tribe from the Landkreis Groß-Gerau, weitere from Mittelhessen. The embezzlement embezzlements have not yet disappeared.