
Rund 900 Menschen wählten Prenzlau als new Wohnort

Rund 900 Menschen wählten Prenzlau als new Wohnort

“I am happy with my life,” said Esther Wolfram. Before a Monaten his and his Ehemann Jörg von München nach Prenzlau were sucked into the “Schützen Quartier”. You should check out the Willkommenstag des Bürgermeisters und wärmten von ihren endrücken in de die Nieuwe Heimat, teilte de Pressestelle der Stadtverwaltung mit. Friends and Verwandte live here in the region and in Berlin; the Eltern von Esther Wolfram originate from the Uckermark, erzählte sie.

Out of the Grossstadt

„Außerdem wollten wir nicht mehr in der Großstadt leben“, fügten sie hinzu. Prenzlaus Bürgermeister Hendrik Sommer (parteilos) freute es, since both of them die here, so it’s good to come. They started with the beef 900 Menschen, who started in the Uckermark-Kreisstadt between June 2023 and May 2024 and went to the Willkommenstag a final.

At Kaffee en Kuchen, people who know each other learn about the city, including the mayor, in their conversation and interesting facts about the city.

At Kaffee en Kuchen, people who know each other learn about the city, including the mayor, in their conversation and interesting facts about the city. (Photo: City of Prenzlau)

Knapp 60 Neu-Prenzlauer nahmen diese en und were in the Friedgarten des Dominikanerklosters dabei. Hendrik Sommer lies with the love of his own films for all images, before he went to Tisch and with the Suctioned in the conversation. Erfuhr nicht nur, warum die Wahl auf Prenzlau field, was gefällt and wo der Schuh veldleicht noch drückt, sonondern warb auch fürs Mitmachen, beispielsweise beim “Zukunftsbuddeln” (dem früheren Einheitsbuddeln), beim “Heimatshoppen” or der Gestaltung des Stadtleitbildes.

“That’s what I was doing,” says Neu-Prenzlauer Rochus Stordeur and hints at his Visitenkarte. Auch Kirstin and Sascha William are interesting. The first thing you do is reprioritize. Sascha William has a job. “I have a strong understanding of the underlying principles of the production skills,” he says.

The Gründe für die Prenzlau-Entscheidung was very individual among the Suctions.

The Gründe für die Prenzlau-Entscheidung was very individual among the Suctions. (Photo: City of Prenzlau)

Tough job search

Do this after a Arbeit in Bereich Facility-Management war for the gelerten-maschinenanlagen-mechanics who have not been crowned by Erfolg. Re-absorbed since both died from Zeuthen. “We live in a house in the “Speckgürtel” von Prenzlau founded“, erzählten sie. Kirstin William came with zugute, when she went to work in a Berliner Klinik in the house of the house and for more work. Nor do you store your commute.

For the young Artur from Ukraine, Prenzlau – the white is a heute – is Zwischenstation. If you study in Stettin, you go to a Metropole-weg. The Gründe für die Prenzlau-Entscheidung was with the Zugezogenen very individual. For some other people it is worth developing a vision and vision, for other people in a different environment. Anyway – who the young men in Afghanistan are, who in the education with the mayor versicherten, as the German language learns and wollen – is the chance for a fear-free and safe lifestyle.

The conversation partners of the city together with Gudrun Schlanert vom Seniorenbeirat (right).

The conversation partners of the city together with Gudrun Schlanert vom Seniorenbeirat (right). (Photo: City of Prenzlau)

The personal contact with the new wife and wife is the most important city. Bei Kaffee und Kuchen kam man schnell ins Plaudern. But not now there went from Tisch to Tisch. Gudrun Schlanert from Seniorenbeirat, Stadtholder Bernd Rissmann from the SPD faction and the beige Zweite Dr. Andreas Heinrich presents himself, his powers are his own, warben for his city.

A birthday battle rages for Nora Eiling, who is fighting a fall in the Willkommensrunde war, here a huge heart-felt battle is going on.

A birthday battle rages for Nora Eiling, who is fighting a fall in the Willkommensrunde war, here a huge heart-felt battle is going on. (Photo: City of Prenzlau)

You can make a choice from a safe. And so you are not going to get a spontaneous outburst of the Neu-Prenzlauer, as the 94-year-old Norma Eiling, begleitet of his Neffen and dessen Frau, a new Blick in the Friedgarten war and the Bürgermeister erfuhr, who dies in his Geburtsdag are. The musical music, if they are all efficient, is so nice.