
Viele veraltete Büros für Umwandlung in Wohnen ungeeignet

Viele veraltete Büros für Umwandlung in Wohnen ungeeignet

There are 75 million in German A and B cities. M2 Büroflächen von een wirtschaftlichen Obsoleszenz bedroht. De Ausschlag hierfür geben innen Investitionen zur Reichung aktueller ESG-Anforderungen. Dieser Umfang lies deutlich über dem vorhergesagten Nachfragerückgang von bis zu 24 Mio. M2 on the German office market, on a stable Home-Office-Quoten backsupführen. The real estate market brings with it a major revaluation. In a study by Garbe Institutional Capital, PwC Deutschland and Colliers have developed a number of Wirtschaftlichkeitsmodells, a market factors of a circulation in alternative forms of use that make Living or Life Science more attractive.

Environmental hotspots at Living

Der Analyze your search for a move in the housing mobility of 15 to 20 million. M2 Fläche der potenziell von Obsoleszenz bedrohten Büros lohnen. Here, 170,000 to 200,000 new homes were built in the 21 opaque cities. Considered a Neubau ließen herebei 4.2 Mio. Tons of CO2 to spare.

„Konversionen von Büro- in Wohnimmobilien eignen sich aufgrund der höhen benötigten Mieten for aine rentable Projectwicklung im höheren Mietsegment, kaum aber für sozialen Livingraum. A strong set of entrepreneurial dynamics in housing construction can increase the wiring of the programs and thus führ an increasing program quote. Eine Konversion von Büro- in Wohnfläche istdammit aber effektiver wirtschaftlicher Lösungsansatz, um der Wohnungskrise flächendeckend entgegenzuwirken“, explains Andreas Höfner, Head of Germany, Head of Research & Strategy at GARBE Institutional Capital. A hornet’s nest comes from the regulator and politicians. Capital market financing in housing construction can undermine economic growth and increase investment security by investors, so the experts go further.

Often there is no direct control of the switch

The conversion potential of office surfaces in residential or life science real estate is offered by experts on about 30 to 35% of the outdated office surfaces components. The large part is a direct study of an uninterested research. “For 65% to 70% of the outdated offices, no direct ‘escape route’ is used in residential or life science”, explains Rita Marie Roland, Partner in Real Estate at PwC in Germany. Alternatives to buying utility items in loan trading, furnishing a car or buying a loan in the company will take place. If you have an alternative, you can achieve a certain potential, so Roland continues.

Büro zu Büro als Alternative

According to Andreas Trumpp, Head of Market Intelligence & Foresight at Colliers in Germany, the power of modern companies over the revitalization of revitalization and the volume of legacy business investments has increased. “Büro zu Büro-Konversionen can buy an option for investors and projects this fall,” Trumpp said. (tick)

Image: © Przemek Klos –