
Olympia star Rebecca Cheptegei was set by her Ex in Brand

Olympia star Rebecca Cheptegei was set by her Ex in Brand

Rebecca Cheptegei
Olympia-Star was set by Ex-Partner in Brand

Rebecca Cheptegei

Rebecca Cheptegei

© Chai vd Laage / image images

While the 2024 Olympic Games are taking place in Paris during the Marathon Run, back to their homeland with Rebecca Cheptegei facing a terrible battle.

Nur drei Wochen nach ihrer Teilnahme an den Olympic Games 2024 with Rebecca Cheptegei, 33, offers a different inspiration. The long-distance ski run, which takes place at 44. Platz during the Marathon Run, was set on Sunday, September 1, with a new life experience in this winter destination in Kenya.

Streit een Grundstück: Rebecca Cheptegei wurde von Ex-Partner met Benzin übergossen

With various media outlets reacting to the police reports, the athletes from Uganda will be settled by their ex-partner with Benzin mountain oxen and in their home in West Kenya in Brand. Erlitt der Olympia-Star Verbrennungen und meer als 75 Prozent seines Körpers. Jeremiah ole Kosiom, the police commander of the Bezirks Trans Nzoia, said on Monday, September 2, that the Angriff während a Streits zischen Cheptegei and his ex-boyfriend Dickson Ndiema stattfand: “The couple was a stranger to their home. Streits wurde der Freund gesehen, wie er een Flüssigkeit auf die Frau schüttetetetetete te te te te in Brand.’

In a report from the police, from the aftercare agent AP, it is so that they both go before the Vorfall over the Ground Piece, on the House building, which is written. Cheptegei should once have bought the Ground Piece and have a House there, which is located in the nearby multiple training centers in Kenya. Who shows Joseph Cheptegei from the Kenyan broadcast “The Star”, knows that Cheptegei and Ndiema will last a long time. “They were only friends, and I am a fragile man, which I would enjoy even more,” he said.

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The police commander said that Rebecca Cheptegeis’ ex-partner was on September 1 “at 14 o’clock on the gelände geschlichen” that this time punk has given the athlete and his two children a fresher life, nor in the church. “When he started, Dickson started, the gasoline had, Rebecca thought he was in Brand-steckte,” painted Jeremiah de Kosiom “The Standard”.

Ndiemma suffered severe burns during the fire, before they were both released from the nearby bar and sent to special treatment at the Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital in the nearby town of Eldoret, reports the “People” magazine. Dr. Owen Menach, from the Cheptegei hospital, told “The Star” that the athlete is in a critical position and considers one of his best patients: “He is a high patient and with everything he does, his life is worth it.”

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