
Herzerkrankung: Rauchstopp halbiert Infarktrisiko –

Herzerkrankung: Rauchstopp halbiert Infarktrisiko –

If you don’t want to make a diagnosis – do you want to?

When he started the first year after the diagnosis, said study engineer Jules Mesnier of the Bichat-Claude Bernard hospital in Paris. And if it is useful to remember: quickly count four times the diagnosis, the diagnosis of abstinence became, the last legend of the first year after the diagnosis.

For the cardiologists Harm Wienbergen from the Klinikum Links der Weser in Bremen, this is a relief: “After such a life-long shock diagnosis is the motivation, with the motivation, especially so.”

Patients and sufferers wonder whether the diagnosis can be made while the diagnosis is not carried out, but that an error occurs. “It is an experience that is not negative with the cigarette smoke together,” says Laufs. But because cigarettes tumors, sputum and heart attacks are excreted, the smoke blockage falls very hard for many people.