
The Federal Government will strengthen the Stellung von Musikclubs in Baurecht

The Federal Government will strengthen the Stellung von Musikclubs in Baurecht

The Federal Government will strengthen the Stellung von Musikclubs in Baurecht

The Federal Cabinet has a Mittwoch a Entwurf zur Novelle des Baugesetzbuches beschloss. It is a first step in its own category for music clubs, according to the Federal Government.

Damit fallen music clubs have only just remained under the usefulness concept of the vergnügungsstätten. The war that precedes the unification of the coalition, will produce a cultural development through the acquisition of knowledge.

“Musikclubs since Orte, in den Kultur statttfindet and gebt wird”, said Minister of Culture Claudia Roth (Grüne). “It brings people together from different lifestyles and ensures a shared life in Vielfalt. Deshalb is a novelty aimed at club culture. The end of all this is now in the Baurecht an acknowledgment of the cultural activity of the Clubs.”

While the new club culture plays a different and greater role in the city tentwicklung, Roth continues. “That is certainly very important in Hindsight, the so-called displacement from the inner cities. The culture for the city tentwicklung is a great pilgrimage: it is a separate location and a scaffolding that increases the quality and attractiveness of the surroundings.”

Die Novelle soll noch in diesem Jahr vom Bundestag beschloss zijn.

dts Messaging Agency

Photo: Kitkat- und Sage-Club (archive), via dts Nachrichtenagentur