
Bauen und Wohnen: Wann en wo Tinyhäuser gefragt sind

Bauen und Wohnen: Wann en wo Tinyhäuser gefragt sind

Tinyhäusers have been visiting the Völkermarkt for a long time. If a family home user has more and more slate bars, Tinyhäuser can offer the small cost and the newer platverbrauches an alternative.

CITY FOUNDATION. A Tinyhaus is the concept for a small house. If Tinyhäuser gets a size of about 25 square meters and the modular user, more module with a square meter will become another device and a larger ground surface can be used.


During the visit of the Völkermarkt there is little change. In others, Teilen Österreich sees it differently. “We have two homes around Lake Wörthersee in the northern states of Wien and Niederösterreich,” reports Mario Schwagerle, Geschäftsführer of RIWO Immobilien GmbH. For the Bauweise there are Tinyhauses from the Bauen der Zukunft.

In 8 to 10 weeks

The house is finished in the factory, it is fertile in eight of these weeks, while the construction site is dear and will not be loaded anymore. Then the walls are still connected. “This process takes place within two to three days. Then the house is ready for construction”, says Schwagerle. There are no timeless or bad times with the original construction site. This can be the house, how dismantled and how long it will last.


Tinyhäuser bis 24 Quadratmeter müssen laut Bauverordnung bei der Behörde were announced. “From 25 quadratmeters bedarf es einer Baugenehmigung, wobei all Baurichtlinien who bei the herekömmlichen Bauweise eincontents were müssen”, so Schwagerle.

Current projects

“We are setting up a project ourselves with three barrier-free homes in Tainach. There is a war going on between Baustart and the fundamental establishment. The home user was supposed to have been ordered a few months ago and was delivered in three weeks. The unification was sold and the buyers could, while the Außenanlage and the Carpords were finished, Anfang Dezember was a bit seen”, reports Schwagerle.

A Tiny House usually costs as much as a normal family home and the costs are lighter. While the small amount of bean harvest is on a lesser place on a ground. | Photo: RIWO
Photo: RIWO


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