
Das Sulzberger-Theater plays in Diesem Jahr einen Schwank in Pfaffenhofen

Das Sulzberger-Theater plays in Diesem Jahr einen Schwank in Pfaffenhofen

A Theater piece with a Brauerei: This is the perfect connection of Hartmut Sulzberger’s great Leidenschaften. Sulzberger has specialized in beer at the Hohenwarter Straße market for eight years. The Bierhaus was born, it purchased Sulzberger Specialties from over 100 Breweries from all over the world, new sales and gift packages. There is another page: Sulzberger schreibt Theaterstücke. Am Freitag, September 13, marks the new Work Premiere. Then he says “Zum Weiberbräu or wos?”

In the company since 2009

2009 führte is with his ensemble of the first male theater piece that plays with his schauspielern and different genres. “There is a medieval play that ends the end of history”, said Sulzberger. For 15 years you go home with one of the unintended income as free time. Then you can open the Schauspieler in the Publikum with the Raumschiff Bavaria in the Weltall. Follow a Westernschau from the Hallertau. A bar with Minga. Prêt-à-porter in the hotel theater. And that Fairytale musical “Da Märchenwoid”. The Sulzbergers come with a classic Schwank daher.

The „Weiberbräu“ is a Schwank in three acts. The action takes place in 1900: Farmer Franz has the second largest inn in Dorfhausen. The beer is home-made, but it is no longer possible.
There are many different types of beer that can appear on the flop, so it is no problem if the Bauernbräu uses the Gäste.

But the kitchen maid “Grandma” secretly brews fresh beer. When I’m at home, only the farmer knows no Ahnung. If a woman from the brewing house of Grandma has received a message and then has only read it once, Grandma could brew beer for the Ausschank, the farmer taps out completely, treibt in the magd but with his modern views without anything or for white wine. “What are the people supposed to say then? For weiberbräu or what?”

Screen printing

Other main characters include a servant who has more and more hobbies, a postal bot whose misunderstood knowledge, the Quetschen-Fritz and Frederik, a journey led by Braumeister.

Directed by Tanja Hoiß, zum Ensemble plays together with Andreas Fischer, Diana Hauke, Gerhard Beck, Bernadette Graf, Manfred Hiller and Gerhard Daxberger. Prompter is Johanna Hiller.

Go to the next terminals in the Pfaffenhofener Kolpinghaus in Auenstraße 50, Einlass is a jewel box for beginnings. Freitag, 13. September, 20 Uhr, Samstag, 14. September, 20 Uhr, Sonntag, 15. September, 16 Uhr, Donnerstag, 19. September, 20 Uhr, Freitag, 20. September, 20 Uhr and Sonntag, 22. September , 4 p.m.

Remaining cards for all chargers are not on the Bierhaus homepage at