
Munich: Who Roboter against the Pflegemangel hellen können – Munich

Munich: Who Roboter against the Pflegemangel hellen können – Munich

Die Pflege is aiming for enormous reform orders. Schon heute gibt is your personal, where the Zahl of the Pflegebedürftigen Steigt and Steigt. In Welchen Bereichen new technology helps when buying – and where Borders since.

A robot with kullerawen fragments the mentally ill seniors in their hobbies. There are a few new playground equipment that can use a bald robot from Alltag. Smartphone apps can use medical devices or the Gabe verschiedener tablets – the list of joyful experiences during the digitalization in the industry is long. Does reality stand? Was another woman in Altenheim a tablet, if no one said that the gang zur toilette the arm of your stutzen was?