
JVA Adelsheim: A whole series of Fußball games – behind the scenes Mauern – Neckartal and Odenwald – Nachrichten en Aktuelles der Region

JVA Adelsheim: A whole series of Fußball games – behind the scenes Mauern – Neckartal and Odenwald – Nachrichten en Aktuelles der Region

By Christoph Offner

Adelsheim.Di.e. the sun shines on the day of service in July, the thermometer says 32 degrees. Der Schweiß läuft in Strömen. After all, you will be amazed at how beautiful they will be. Es steht 3:3. The other Bolzplatz line: Nächstes Tor entscheidet. Pass the Torwart, ball under the bed in hand. Kurze Diskussion, then it is clear: Indirekter Freistoß.

The Mauer is settled, while the players are preparing for advancement. Andrej tips the ball and João sees ab. Signal Schuss finds luck, the Kugel zappels in Netz. Vorbei. The Mannschaft with the yellow Leibchen dreht zum Jubeln ab, while the other enttäuscht zu Boden sinks.

Iin the normal football game – where the meter is not high, von Scheinwerfern crowned Mauer in the background. Der Kunstrasen, auf dem die 16, 17 Jungs jetzt auslaufen, liegt im 10 Hektar großen Areaal der Justizvollzugsanstalt (JVA) Adelsheim.

In the rule between 320 and 350 after Jugendstrafrecht verurteilte Insassen ihre Strafe in them Gefängnis, that is an einem Hang am Rande des Secachtals liegt. If the RNZ is at Besuch, 291 Häftlinge is in the JVA Adelsheim ein, we continue in Freigängerheim in Mosbach.

Heiko Link. F: private

“That’s a small difference,” said Heiko Link, when he passed through the few Anlage-führt. Der 55-Jährige is de Leiter des Gefangenesports. While the Unterkunftshäusern a different Versorgungshäuser, a Krankenabteilung, a Turnhalle, a Beach Volleyball Court, Werkstätten – the Insassen können in the JVA Adelsheim different Ausbildungsberufe erlernen – and a School. Schüler is in the best job – the least, when the nuts are stimulated and the household items are empowered. “The image is the best Mittel zur Resozialisierung,” says Link. Then everyone comes to Sport.

AWhen we started a new life, the initiative of the German Fußball-Bund (DFB) was founded in 1977 by the Sepp-Herberger-Stiftung, which established the resozialisierung of the Criminal Prisoners to Ziel. “We are oben, dare we never forget”, which was the Lebensmotto des Mannheimers, die as Bundestrainer die Nationalmannschaft 1954 zum “Wunder von Bern” führte. The young people will be active in the Rahmen von “Anstoß for a new Life” at the time after the Entlassung that we have done. This concerns the joint JVAs with the jewel of the Ministry of Justice, the Federal Agency for Labor and the DFB-Landesververververvenen together.

Niko Kempf. F: DFB

“Fußball”, “Arbeit/Schule/Beruf” and “Soziales” depict the three souls of the Initiative. “Der Fußball functions as Lernfeld”, erklärt Nico Kempf, stellvertretender Geschäftsführer der Sepp-Herberger-Stiftung. “Take care of your rules, discipline and team spirit. This is important for fußball training in the middle point.”

In the others, both säulen für de Häftlinge beispielsweise Berufsberatung, Bewerbertraining and Anti-Gewalt-Schulungen were initiated. “Die Erfahrung said that football was a different goal, said Kempf. All highlights are Turnier in the Sepp-Herberger-Pokal, with the Bundesland and the JVA branches. Quasi die deutsche Knast-Meisterschaft.

Ins Team of JVA Adelsheim is coming, ist dabei alles anders dan einfach. Not true, however strong the link is when the ball is separated – from Insassen, who play during the long game, if you dissolve, the recognizable still not too often gets the ball, is all you can do.

“The Fußball”, says Niko Kempf, Stellvertretender Geschäftsführer of the Sepp-Herberger-Stiftung, “bietet einen others Zugang zu den Jugendlichen.” Photo: DFB

Attention should come from the Anstaltsleitung an Antrag auf Zulassung zur Fußballmannschaft set. This happens under the Gesichtspunkt of the Vollzugsverlaufs überprüft. If you are positive, follow the Hauskonferenz. “That Warteliste is tall,” Link says. Einzige Ausnahme: Die Torwart-Position. “No one wants to be alone,” says Link.

Gokhan schon. And that while the 18-year-old age of the blessing effort in midfield is played – and has a fine fußchen. “I’m happy as Torwart,” it says. Gökhan sitzt roads “Gewaltdelikten”, who says, is more than two years one. The great sea fishing is a verb that is the Entlassung nur or wenige Wochen entfernt. In the JVA Adelsheim, Gökhan has signaled Real Schulabschluss gemacht.

For the time when there is an Ausbildungsplatz as a gas and washing installation. If you carry out other Fußballverein activities, there may be frost. A bisschen Bammel hat is proud. “With more effort, it will be a great success,” says Gökhan. D

There is an Alltag hint Gittern ist strictly durchgetaktet. Feste Zeiten voor Aufstehen, voor Frühstück, voor de Arbeit or Schule, voor Mittagessen, voor de Hofgang. You will no longer find a ball in the air at Fußballplatz. “I live with the joy of freedom,” it says. It just so happens that George does. “Draußen”, message from the 23-year-old age, “habe ich ni Fußball spielt. Aber een wie meiner Kumpels hier spielen, ich also spiele ich auch. Die Bewegung tut mir gut.” George was born in three years and four months.

It is one of the consequences of the severe punishment for the hagers, it was young Mann. Beim ersten Mal saß is zweieinhalb Jahre. “Es musste scheitern,” says George, when the time has begun after the first broadcast. “I have lived in my home for 15 years. I know my own structures. I live in my own home for 18 years? That’s not a good thing.”

A few weeks are worth it. “I will die soon,” said George. A rendering of the electronics has begun. Darauf Freut is sich. And then, a little bit of “rausgehen zu können. Eine Zigarette zu rauchen. Einen Spaziergang zu machen”.

DThese things were not tolerated by João or anyone else. Wegenschmuggel wurde der Portugiese with Angolan Wurzeln zu eight years Haft verurteilt. In my message Zelle, there are fressen ihn seine Gedanken auf: “I always think: When do I finally come?” Deshalb is one of the sports boats that is involved in football, the football group, fitness courses and beach volleyball. “I won’t live in the Zelle. I can do everything, because I forget, that’s how I am,” he said.

At the age of 22, the mountain of debt is a great Muskelberg-türmen, is the Kapitän der Mannschaft. Don’t worry, we’ll be busy for a long time. “I will overcome accountability,” it says. After seinem 24. Geburtstag dries João de Abschiebung. If it may be so, in Deutschland it is a matter of “in the gastronomy of the kitchen”. The kraft paper, which quickly falls into a Lächeln on the Lippen hat, is washed in the cuff for washing. “I am a positive human being. We are happy here. We are happy here. We are not alone.”

Warum seine Schützlinge im Gefängnis since, ist Link egal. “I don’t want to erase what punishment you have started,” he said. “I care most about Man.” It is one of the few things that happened at the beginning of the training in 1998 in the JVA Adelsheim-arbeitet, at Training.

If the RNZ is busy with this kind of thing, the first game can be a fact, it will be a sudden prize. Mocking words fallen, the two streaks – one from the football team, another, the next to go to court – stand drowning. Link – and other players – buy the end, the situation is bad. Dennoch: So a story of Mann, with his Three-Day Bart, of the Glasses, the knitting of Laughter and the deeply insight-sucked Cap a little one Jürgen Klopp remembers, no.

“So brauchst du nächste Woche gar nicht wieder kommen, Ahmad,” Link tadels. Während dieser Besserung gelobt (“Es kommt nie der vor”) und auf Milde hofft (“Bitte schmeißen Sie mich nicht raus, Herr Link”), schickt der Trainer die Spieler zum Warmmachen.

Iink no longer shines irritated by the conflict of the two-length, it has become manual work. “I’m not sure, I still work. It’s always a matter of time, because that’s the way Jung’s Nase and Nase are lived,” said one Achselzuckend. Dann fügt is een: “Aber ich bin mir sicher: Where the situation does not pass on the road zum Training, where it escalates. Der Platz in der Fußballmannschaft – that is it, the Jungs is verlieren haben.”

In Moments wie diesem wird deutlich, wie die Welt drinnen von der draußen unterscheidet. Erasing the Häftlinge. “The leadership here is like this. Ahmad has not responded, but he could be used as Schwäche: it is not worth his policy. If they can man up,” said George. Gökhan pflichtet ihm bei. “Draughts can be separated from each other, but with them I am in. Druess can have conflicts between them. Aber drinnen geht das nicht.”

Besuch von draußen: The Gefängnismannschaft der JVA Adelsheim Power itself for the Freundschaftsspiel gegen the A-Junioren des TV Niederstetten warm. Photo: JVA Adelsheim

Immer wieder kommen auch Mannschaften zu Freundschaftspielen in the JVA Adelsheim. First in June, the A-Juniors of TV Niederstetten were guests. The young people of the TSG Hoffenheim were happy to be such. “That was really cool, if I looked like that,” said Gökhan and laughed. “I was happy, they started thinking that, that’s why they were full since – and they were extremely bad, that’s why they were normal since.”

After the player plays the game, Link’s game is not yet completed. In the sweeper, you first start aiming. “Viele Jungs ask me, we can come together, who can play well with them. I also often ask for contact with the partners for their family.” The Gefängnisverstappenheit posits that neither is a problem. “Noch kein Verein hat gesagt: Nein, den nehmen wir nicht auf, weil er schon eeninmal punishfällig” reports Link.

Given the Häftlingen’s resocialization quote, the fact that “an attempt to achieve a new life” is to be taken, as it is with others, is – all the same from data protection aspects – not to be addressed. “That is irrelevant to us but without any difference”, Kempf states. “The decision to investigate is not separate, but the project is not successful. If we do this, it is the personal development of the company.” That, so the foundation workers, became one of the best things that “came to the attention of former Häftlingen”.

Dit is for the sake of Omar Oumari. The current 38-year war did not go ahead with the Gesetz in Konflikt. “Ich war keiner, der immer Scheiße gebaut hadte”, Oumari will sit on the homepage of the Sepp-Herberger-Stiftung. “It is a war that is a Sache. Die een Abend.” In the year 2007 there was a Schlägerei a Messer, founded, a person loses his life. Oumari would have enjoyed four years and a new month.

In the Jugendstrafanstalt (JSA) Berlin, the Ausbildung zum Schiedsrichter, war captain of the Gefängnisteams, was acquitted in the Rahmen of “Anstoß for a new life”. Now it is good that Oumari, the inzwischen stellvertretender Filialleiter an Schnellrestaurants, is for the SV Viktoria Mitte Spiele in the Bezirksliga. Der Regelbrecher wurde zum Regelhüter. More neither. “Omar is the football coach in the JSA Berlin,” Kempf reports.

BBefore you get to the JVA Adelsheim and the workday afternoon in July, back to the Zellen-geht, Link is still in Kreis with his game. There is joking, laughing, smoking a cigarette, talking about the new Netflix series and the EM in your own country. “Actually, it’s not like draußen, or?”, said Link.

Information: The names of the Häftlinge are activated by the editors.

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