
Capri-Sun started an online petition for Plastikstrohhalm

Capri-Sun started an online petition for Plastikstrohhalm

The power of the paper flow, says the Unternehmen – and will be a Ausnahmegenehmigung vom EU-Verbot von Einweg-Kunststoffartikelen. But Experts stop the action before inspection.

The Trinkbeutel-Hersteller Capri-Sun has started an online petition for the Rückkehr zum Plastikstrohhalm. On the platform, the Unternehmen will merge a Million Unterschrifts – one of the EU-Kommission weiterzureichen. Capri-Sun chef Roland Weening has said “Sonntagszeitung” for the beef both weeks of the Schweizer, there is a wolle-ausnahmegenehmigung within the EU for the Verbot of Einweg-Plastikstrohhalmen-hinwirken.

Adriana Neligan, expert for Kreislaufwirtschaft at the Institute for German Wirtschaft in Cologne, says: “I’m not happy, but it’s a matter of future growth.” Andreas Hermann from the Öko-Institut in Darmstadt said that the Directive that protects the environment, Trinkhalme from Kunststoff seien verboten – “and in the Richtlinie sind keine Ausnahmen vorgesehen”.

Criticism of environmental protection

Environmental protection is extremely critical for the life of Capri-Sun. “The product in itself is a single product, which is directly available in the market – it does not pass more in our time, in itself the politics and the people who live for a long-term future,” said Viola Wohlgemuth vom Bündnis Exit Plastik. “Eine Wiedereinführung des Plastikstrohhalms was een Schritt zurück ins vergangene Jahrhundert.”

Capri-Sun, produced in Eppelheim near Heidelberg, has been using paper straw since 2021. If you want the world to be transformed into Switzerland and the federal states of plastic straw. If you can no longer use the used paper, it becomes a piece of paper that is processed. The company has its headquarters in Zug in Switzerland – which is why the EU ban is not gilded.

Expert is an expert in the field of EU Verbots

Expert Neligan says that he has not found the EU ban on end-of-life plastic articles in the course of 2021. “The question is: Who can make a product useful? And that is of course nature.” So some recycled plastic nozzles were cut from the eco-balance more reliably than paper nozzles.

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The use of Capri-Sun is a way to use a product, which combines the consumer of Trinkbeutel and straw – both made of polypropylene – in the recyclable plastic mill can. Polypropylene is a plastic. Therefore the Trinkbeutel in the classic 200 milliliter variant is not made of aluminum. In one of the following cases the Trinkbeutel is no longer made of polypropylene.

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