
1860 Munich entlässt Finanz-Geschäftsführer Mueller – Sports

1860 Munich entlässt Finanz-Geschäftsführer Mueller – Sports

The Fußball-Drittligist TSV 1860 Munich has extremely clear signals for the Geschäftsführer Oliver Mueller and who Image reported. The first was in February 46 years ago with greater ambitions when the financial chef was busy preparing a position statement of the Association, which also did not come out of the blue.

Mueller, for his involvement in the Grünwalderstraße as Managing Director of the Eishockeyvereins Kölner Haie and Marketing Director at Real Club Deportivo Mallorca, war, how old was, when TSV 1860 Munich spent a Sparkurs and the Thema Stadium in Angriff zu nehmen. With large amounts of loss you see the Managing Director when you Diskussionen aus. Mueller war with Marketing Fachmann Marc-Nicolai Pfeifer followed, the Monate später ended now in his mandate.

If one of the following funds is funded, Sportgeschäftsführer Christian Werner will become the Geschäfte führen.