
Ultra-Triathlon – Weltrekord-Versuch abgebrochen: Meixner wechselt on others Bewerb

Ultra-Triathlon – Weltrekord-Versuch abgebrochen: Meixner wechselt on others Bewerb

“Life is what happens while you’re busy making other plans,” said John Lennon. Alexandra Meixner can sing a song right now. Only three days have passed since the Breitenberg wire near St. Martin (Bezirk Gmünd) in the Weltrekord-Versuch in the “Triple Deca Continuous” Ultra Triathlon on Lake Garda – from technical grounds.

Stattdessen wechselt voor Ort jetzt for „One per Day“-Variante beim Triple Deca, both 30 days long jeden Tag an Ironman-Distanz (also 3.8 km Schwimmen, 180 km Radfahren, 42 km Laufen) is absolutely necessary.

“The great recovery is for most of the time, my mental inner half of a few stunden on a complete other work and work, which is the training of the last monate as well as for this complete recovery hält”, ließ Meixner ihre Fans on Facebook delete. “If it is absolutely great, it is the best crew that offers Flexibility and a logistical challenge.”

Pull cord is not possible

Do you even want to undergo that other reorganization? Das Problem war die Zeitnehmung beim Schwimmen. The sorting after the start at the end of the day is completed during assembly for problems. Letztlich power sie schlapp at all, weshalb clear war, that the Ergebnisse inoffiziell sein würden. A Weltrekord is thus not possible.

Xandi Meixner completed 84 of the 116 kilometers in free time. “If one of the criticisms with the team is closed, on the “One per Day” variation of the Triple Deca umzusteigen”, Meixner explains. “These distances last for 45 days before 30 days of improvement.” And he laughs: “The positive attitude is: the rapid training that will help me in the last two days.”

Derzeit laufen in Italy nor die Vorbereitungen auf den new Bewerb. The start for the “Triple Deca one per day” starts in Donnerstag at 8 am.

30-facher Ironman: Alexandra Meixner at Lake Gardasee on Weltrekordjagd

Ultra triathlon