
15-year-old Moritz Küls joins GC Neuhof for the Meisterschaft

15-year-old Moritz Küls joins GC Neuhof for the Meisterschaft

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15-year-old Moritz Küls joins GC Neuhof for the Meisterschaft
The Ballflug provides Rückmeldung on the Schlag. Moritz Küls is sitting on the Kursplatz, one of the junior WM in the Wochenende in Form zu bleiben. © schmedemann

Nachwuchsgolfer Moritz Küls joins Golf-Club Neuhof for the Deutsche Meisterschaft der AK16. Der 15-Jährige verringt so fell Zeit wie moglich auf dem Kurzplatz.

Dreieich – A good idea, the label is that Moritz Küls eigentlich on the Kurzplatz of the Golf Clubs Neuhof. For the 15-year-old Königsteiner, Nach der Schule is direkt nach Dreieich. “I am a winter training man from Technik, in the summer I focus more on golf,” says the Junggolfer. Our self-control film Küls seine Schläge met dem Smartphone, anschließend einen critical look at the Video zu werfen. Schließlich hat der Junggolfer Ziele: Am Freitag begins with the Deutschen Meisterschaften der Jugend. in the Altersklasses 14, 16 and 18. The teenager turns three years old in the province of the GC Gütersloh.

Pro Woche sechsmal von Königstein nach Dreieich

In August I played golf for the 15th time at the Platz in the Altersklasse at Mid Summer Juniors International. A lot has happened, in this case, there was a lot of stuff, but there was never any welding. “Noch habe ich Zeit – und die verringe ich gerne auf dem Golfplatz”, says the Zehntklässler, the first in the first debt in the Oberstufe Nachmittagsunterricht in Stundenplan stehen haben wird. So the free time that a früher Schulschluss has has is useful. Sechsmal die Woche fährt der Königsteiner on the Dreieicher Golfplatz; if it is a tag that is a bit English, the Grün in the Seiner Nachbarstadt Kronberg is op. “Fürs Training is still better here,” says Küls and sets about Schlag an. The golf ball flies, the Blick, with the golfer in its direction, is certain. “It was bad, it was bad,” he said and brought himself. the Schläger and the ball in position.

Power is not alone, so fell Zeit alone on the golf course to work? No, says Küls. “My friend sees it as a tag in the school, another choice is with the people from the framework of the intestine.” And if you like the schüler, there are a few white of classmates who are in the alternative class, but they are becoming more and more hobbies. “If you laugh then a little, the power is nothing. And besides: The cliches hit you too partly”, says er lacht verschmitzt. It’s all over: “Those people are not always so passionate about our young people.” Davon still knows what to do – but that’s not the case.

If the Königsteiner likes to play in another sport so much, think of the cradle that goes to the next golf game: His Eltern golf, with a few years later it is so that it stands on the platz itself. His 13 years of alter brother is ebenfalls there. These three years swings on the Schläger at GC Neuhof.

Swiss hands can paint the battle

Other sports such as football and tennis are a real challenge, if the Leiden resident is bare in golf funds. “Mir war fast clear, that mir Ballsport lies. Aber der Mannschaftssport war nicht das, was ich wollte“, began Küls seine Entscheidung, de Fußballschuhe wieder and de Nagel gehängt zu haben. Only one person will be responsible for the Tablesplatz, but more importantly. Dennoch: Things are no longer normal at the Golfplatz. After all, the first steps are taken – this is a natural experience for your golfer, it is 15 years ago.

In the Hindview of the German Youth Masters Arbeitet Moritz Küls there is no Chipping Fertigkeiten, also a dem Schlag, at the ball only short in the air ist and the best stretch rolls. I am a summer power and the heat of life is a fact: “Many times one spoils oneself when shaking with black hands. That spoils the Schlag.” The swing, the flight track of the ball is influenced, is every individual. If you also take a look yourself, it is a good idea that you can do that. “It may also be that you want to look differently”, it is a beginning of the next video recording.

At GC Neuhof, Antje Heissel has been playing golf in recent years.

By Lisa Schmedemann