
After purchase: Warum das Maklerhaus Contrust auf Unabhängigkeit setzt

After purchase: Warum das Maklerhaus Contrust auf Unabhängigkeit setzt

Interview with Arthur Martini, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter Contrust Versicherungsmakler GmbH
Herr Martini, you are in charge of the Contrust Versicherungsmakler GmbH of Ihrem Vater Julius Martini. Was hat Sie zu dieser Entscheidung führt?

There is a longer process and a longer period in which trust is maintained by a family intern. Nach de Studium des Wirtschaftstechnicis started with a job in London during an unternehmensberatung. If it takes more years, then it is in the Wirtschaft and beschäftigte mich dabei natürlich in the versicherungsbranche, which is thematically guided by the Mayness of Kindheit – mijn zum Abendessen. I have an exciting set with a big maker in Frankfurt and a great time in the big room, I have a brilliant Möglichkeit hätte, the Versicherungsbranche and a Selbstständigkeit zu connect: Contrust

Hopefully, those other people can benefit from being able to help the work.

Do you want to know if you are in a betting situation? Who long and in what position?

The war was more than a year later in the Betrieb at Contrust, before the Staffelstab 2023 in the mountains. The war in the last century has not yet ended, and it is a trifle that has financed my position. The war is with the good intentions of my father, who works excellently and trustingly with my partner, the other Geschäftsführenden Gesellschafter Sönke Butz, who has our joint project with a single power.

The consolidation at the brokerage market is in all the world. Isn’t the position of the parties involved in Contrust in debate?

If you have a Makler company in your business, the Makler consolidation can provide some of your help, without a profile for your schärfen. However, if there is an inhabergeführer, 100% own financing Makler can provide a part of the Dorf on the map of the Berufsgruppe. When it comes to the possibility of investing abroad in the middle class, the other residents of Makler may be able to get better – and that would be an excellent thing, in one of the Solchen Umfeld workers. Namhafte Versicherer signal one, it is a diversification of the Maklerschaft-päferieren and one of the backs is very woolen. I am busy with the fact that the large Makler groups are concerned, before the Alt-Eigentümer of Makler is going to verlassen his consolidating operative company and the financial investments increase the profitability of the next turnover.

Can you now trust your own loss at the start?

We can make a post-processing for other Makler beets. It goes at a moderate pace and now it is over, so for example in a year with a Makler in Leipzig. For sales maximization are certainly the big buyers the rules. If you sign up, individual people can do the sales, the things you do and can be discussed.