
Gutmann wird Zweiter – Badische Zeitung


Gutmann takes second place

In Milchigen, a municipality of the Swiss cantons of Schaffhausen, was given special attention for the racing of the Swiss racing series
angellegten Rundkurs with artistic obstacles, rock garden and singletrails of the three stages of the EKS-Cup. Am Start was the secret mountain biker from the Netherlands
in the Schweizer region, for everything you find in Germany and France. Darunter vom B&W Melida Team from Breitnau the Elite with Simon Gutmann, Heiko Hog and a long time with Marius Kottal. At Teamkollege Tom Brunner it is not so that the Heimatortes of the Wettkampf are played with the U17-Jungs. Allen has Simon Gutmann loves in doubles Weise so targeted ab. I am class besetzten
Fahrerfeld der lizenzierten Herren wurde is hervorragender zweiter und eroberte damit auch de zweiten Rang in Gesamtclassment. “I am very happy with my experience. Because there was damage during the war, because we were not able to have a successful run, so I am my leader in an ongoing run with a possible soul sprint,” says the Wahl-Konstanzer. Team college Tom was the great Dritter at the U17 Youth. “I like the Strecke schön en hart zu gleich.” Heiko Hog appeared as Achter and Marius Kottal as Zehnter das Ziel.

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