
Betriebsrätin attacks VW-Bosse: “Is our Geschäftsmodell up to?” | Politics

Betriebsrätin attacks VW-Bosse: “Is our Geschäftsmodell up to?” | Politics

In the Belegschaft of the largest German car repairers there is no WUT in the Bosse! Der Sparhammer sorts for Jobanxiety and Fassungslosigkeit: Werkschließungen, Entlassungen und Gehaltseinbußen is possible.

The major involvement (9500 parts) involves the battle of bettors Daniela Cavallo (49, IG Metall) and the VW manager who played on the group chairman Oliver Blume (56).

Die Stimmung in der Halle buy nach BILD information anyway. There is applause for the Cavallos’ attack on the Vorstand. Die Reden der Bosse wurden, in a single low night, with Buhrufen and Pfiffen.

Cavallo was clearly in a position to work for the future communities, which would protect VW-Werke and Zulieferer. Dann shouted at Angriff.

“If the wollen stand machchen close, our Kolleginnen and Kollegen vor die Tür setzen.” And Danes, who dare to dare, “denen wollen Sie auch noch ans Geld”. Then we turned to Cavallo directly to the State: “Is that all, was Ihnen an infällt?”

That Halle explodes. Buhrufe and Pfiffe in Richtung der Bosse!

“VW is sick, that is why the government signals Job is not powerful”

But Cavallo first explains: “Fabriken schließen, betriebsbedingte Kündigungen, Tarifeinschnitte durchsetzen. Solche gratitude now became a blessing in itself, and black then, when the entire Geschäftsmodell was destroyed.”

Dann de Hammer-Frage and de Manager: „Ich frage Sie, meine Herren und myine Damen im Marken- und Konzernvorstand: Is our Geschäftsmodell tot?’

This answer is clear. “Volkswagen is sick, that is the power of the government, Job is not in power.” The company has the power to “Regelwut” and “Dokumentationsirrsinn” for the many responsible persons.

VW Chief: “We will continue to use the pump for a long time”

After the Rede Cavallos, the BILD-Information receives standing ovations. Completely different from the departure of the Konzernvorstand Blume.

Blume does not want to have any fault of his own, but plans a Managers’ Meeting in Ausland. But the pressure is too great. The stakes are light of an extra sheet of “MITBESTIMMEN!” – Hefts, machte an Auftritt Blumes, of a Porsche boss is a unique one.

The VW CEO’s speech started with Pfiffen from the Belegschaft, where he was once chatted with Buhrufen. But the lies themselves cannot beirren.

Konzernvorstand Oliver Blume and Markenvorstand Thomas Schäfer

Konzernvorstand Oliver Blume and Markenvorstand Thomas Schäfer

Photo: Moritz Frankenberg/dpa Pool/dpa

▶︎ „I was not very happy with Redner’, it was clear. Dann wurde is serious. At Volkswagen it is “wie zu Hause”, so Blume. “We have been paying attention to the pump for a long time, and if I have a Monatsende-keine Kohle and divorced, a fernseher zu kaufen, dann geht das nur gut, if I am a Grandma or a reichen Onkel-habe.” Lange Zeit sei perhaps dies, “the situation is completely completed”.

And now his again will make VW future-ready. It is clear that Cavallo is a reasoning for the big group forests can no longer kiss.