
“Weniger Spiele und more Urlaub”: Sammer criticizes Einstellung mancher Fußballer

“Weniger Spiele und more Urlaub”: Sammer criticizes Einstellung mancher Fußballer

Munich – In the second half of the year, the Champions League starts in the new season. With a reform in the new League phase, in all 36 seasons (more than two years) I think eight games have started until the end of January, and the game starts in February. More Fußball, more Spiele, more Money. Passengers enjoy Streaming animation “Prime Video” in the Mittwochvormittag in Hotel “25hours” on the Bahnhofplatz, a Bildschirm-Team for presentations.

Moderator Alexander Schlüter, new member of DAZN, photographs Patrick Owomoyela and Matthias Sammer with Tabea Kemme and Josephine Henning as expert guild, all ex-professionals. With the war Sammer, on 2018 at Borussia Dortmund, as Berater of the Geschäftsführung-tätig, I am a fragmented Gesprächspartner, and antwortete in Raum “Muschelkammer” ausführlich of the verschiedensten Fußball-Themen.

“Diesen Sommer war die EM, aber er war auch sehr lang”, meinte der 56-Jährige, “zwischenzeitlich wusste ich nicht, was ich eigentlich gucken soll.” Anyway, the Champions League reform is over and the season is over, neither the FIFA world association won the Klub-WM in the USA (June/July 2025).

Sports director Max Eberl and sports director Christoph Freund.

“That is not the right way”: Ex-FC Bayern boss criticizes …


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Paul Wanner cheers about his Elfmeter-Tor against Augsburg.

AZ-Info: It’s the DFB plan with FC-Bayern-Juwel Paul Wanner


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Or maybe not? Check out these and other themes from Sammer, from 2012 and four years of Sports Support at FC Bayern:

The reformed Champions League: “I am always happy with the way I work. I am happy with the walk, thanks to the changes. I do not find critical ones, but I do not find the new solutions so that they can be solved with a maximum of four more games. They are as marginal .

Sammer glaubt, all Bundesliga teams in the Ko-Rude bowls

Die Chancen der Bayern in the Champions League: “The Bayern-können of the final are great, they are good since. Those players, they are, they are new to the class.”

Die Aussichten der übrigen vier Bundesliga-Starter in der Königsklasse: “These chances are great, that means all German Teams in the Ko-Runden see. I would not be surprised, if RB Leipzig were to be in the Bayern under the first Acht (also directly in the Achtelfinal, d.Ed.) of the Abschlusstafelle kommt. Deutsche Mannschaften sind gut genug, dass keiner ausscheidet (Platz 25 to 36, d.Red.), among all the past bowls – Borussia Dortmund, Bayer Leverkusen and der VfB Stuttgart in the Playoffs (Platz 9 to 24, d.Red.).

The summer transfer of Bilanz von Max Eberl (l.) and Christoph Freund (Mitte) coincided with Klub Patron Uli Hoeneß in a later phase.

Eberls Transferbilanz: Die größte Aufgabe steht noch bevor


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Sports leader of FC Bayern: Max Eberl

After 35 years, Max Eberl becomes heir to Jugendliebe Natascha


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The new life in Klub-WM: “I have found this interesting and good. It is so that I will find it. I will never fly to Turnier in the summer but in Asia, in the US or Australia, one of the most important Summits and Cups that have been released. Then found Freundschaftsspiele in Ausland-statts, a money that earns, is one of the only laws that fall under the FIFA-dach – with more money – much more.”

Those Guten find Antworten, the Schlechten resign.

Sammer über Belastung: “The player is not killed”

Die sich ergebende Zusatzbelastung der Spieler: “As a player, you can not ask for more than 18 or 20 millions of people so that you can enjoy your time with more games and more play. You are more likely to have more fun and a few more people. You will not be able to kill those players. You can find them in Antwerp , that Schlechten resign.”

Bayern under new coach Vincent Kompany: “Bayern wants to adapt, it is an entity in the Ganges. Kompany has played everything in the fight. There is still something that is in the Entstehung before it stabilizes. Everything that breaks in is destabilizing.”

Sammer: Bayern sollte seine Wackel-Verteidiger more unterstützen

These are the beginning of Bayern-Innenverteidiger Kim and Upamecano: “I wouldn’t be surprised if I had to face any serious inconvenience, because I would have a good relationship with each other, so that everything could be gained. That would be my personal situation. It is always good and rewarding, people will be able to support themselves and thus If you want one of the other players, you can ask one of Ottmar Hitzfeld’s best players.”