
Project start: More Justice in the Energiewende – Sonnenseite

Project start: More Justice in the Energiewende – Sonnenseite

Do you want to use a climate protection meal? Do you want to find the best groups in the society? Who can prepare people with a question in the energy transition? These and other excerpts come from the Öko-Institut and Wissenschaftler*innen of the Technische Universität Dortmund, which the Evangelische Hochschule Freiburg in a new started research project “Social (Un-)Justice in the Energy Transition”. There is a great variety of social dimensions of the energy transition in business and the debt burden for a judicial system that is used.

If you want to know more about the media coverage of the Energiewende, which is reacting in the social media.

Sibylle Braungardt | Gruppenleiterin Wärmewende & Effizienz / Senior Researcher, Energy & Climate Protection

“We would also like to analyze the data in the form of media texts and comments, as well as arguments and reactions based on climate protection analysis,” said Carmen Loschke, Expert in Quantitative Discourse Analysis at the Öko-Institut.

Based on automatic text recognition (NLP), the Expert*innen team of a web-based monitoring tool was deployed, which enabled the discussion in net visualization and interesting documents to follow the media presentation of argumentation models and technology around the energy transition. If you use the NLP method, you can use a number of topic models and (large) language models with digital disks for observation and changes in the theme to recognize and predictably introduce”, explains Dr. Jonas Rieger, expert for natural language processing at the Technical University of Dortmund.

Narrative about energy and social justice

We have done interviews with the project team during the interviews with the perspective of the human with an idea about the energy transition that has arisen. The background: The energy transition brings social changes, both positive and negative effects have different soul groups that can be used. Whoever makes a dish or a court of these masses and whoever wants to become it, is a lock point for the motivation of the human, the energy transition of us. Other people with a small number of people are often affected by those transactions, or their perspective is viewed.

“With qualitative interviews there are people who, in their concrete terms, experience climate protection issues and claims. Gemeinsam mit Fachkräften des Sozialwesens können Ansätze were founded, Perspektiven of Menschen with small Einkommen auf die Energiewende besser hend inspräch darüber zu kommen“, erläutert Prof. Dr. Gesa Köbberling, Professor of Social Work at the Evangelischen Hochschule Freiburg.

Solutions offered

In Rahmen von Workshops the business organizations with companies from the social sector and the energy sector of the energy sector are involved, one of the advocates of a company that deals with the development and the development of forms for politics. If you look at this information and image material, this is a critical analysis with the story of the energy transition that you have developed.

The project “Soziale (Un-)Gerechtigkeit in der Energiewende – Vom digitalen Diskurs zur Lebenswelt” was launched in the 7. Energy Advancement Programs of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Policy (BMWK) established and launched until Anfang 2027.


Öko-Institut eV 2024 / Dr. Sibylle Braungardt