
nShift: Einzelhändlern are urgently addressed, can be integrated, that 84% of the Fuhrungskräfte Probleme mit Datensilos haben

nShift: Einzelhändlern are urgently addressed, can be integrated, that 84% of the Fuhrungskräfte Probleme mit Datensilos haben

There is no light data that can be used, but the data that is processed in the right place, and 84% of the business value is one of the reasons that the “data silos” occur when they are used.1 If so, then there is some information about the love process, which often involves data from another system and more.

In a new post it is ermutigt nShiftde weltweit-führende Anbieter von Erlebnis- und Liefermanagement (DMXM), Einzelhändler, die in de Lieferung en in Anschluss en de Kauf generierten Daten optimal zu utilities.

Einzelhändler utenzen zunehmend große datensammlungen, een je Verkaufszahlen en Betriebsabläufe zu improven. A new message from nShift with the title „Creating a data-driven delivery experience“ (Schaffung een datengesteuerten Liefererfahrung) führt aus, dass Einzelhändlern allzugtige Gekenntnisse aus dem Love and Nachkaufprozessssss. Among the rules that only date on silos in the future – or at external speed – their effective nutzung erschwert.

Sean Sherwin-SmithProduct Director after purchase at nShiftsaid: “The delivery process is a wonderful game where lone dealers sit on a completely unused data. During the information about the sales and post-purchase process, it can be noted that a seller and a lower efficiency can be there, that the knowledge is expanded and a malicious buyer can be cheated in the long term. “

“The problem is solved, the problem is solved, the problem is solved and the power has arisen if there is a problem. Information about finding the data in the system can be selected and analyzed. Only through the integration of supply and experience management can individual traders gain separate recognition and develop data-oriented storage strategies.”

I have followed a new Shift policy, which can help the data from the charity and after-sales phase of a processing:

  1. Optimization and reduction of transport costs – If you want to use an email merchant or a lower on the cost and payment details of the speed, this is a way to send the cost-saving option for purchasing the last May payout.
  2. Verbesserte Umsetzung op de Bezahlseite – There is a certainty that a buyer will get the choice they want in the Australian market.
  3. Improved communication with the arts – Sole dealer can arrange relevant matters, who sell the house, with the people who date source after such updates, and at bedarf-können-products and brand botschaften are installed.
  4. Stronger customer loyalty by putting a stop to the Lieferversprechens – Vergleich der Leistungsdaten verschiedener Speed ​​​​​​können Einzelhändler die Standards erhöhen en bessere Verhandlungsergebnisse erzielen.
  5. Durch Reduzierung von Volumen more vom Erlös behalten – Reimburse the Gründe, when the products are sold, branded products are purchased and discussed with the product and marketing teams.
  6. Influssung des Verbraucherhaltens – Dadurch could be more Käufer in local Geschäfte locked and ihr Rückgabeverhalten geändert.

The DMXM solution package of nShift core components of supply management (with label printing and speed management) with more modern consumer applications. The supply management, order processing, payment processing and returns are all on one platform uninterrupted, it is a fact that the relevant data comes together. A series made use of friendly Dashboards that offer clear, concise, shareable and instructive functions.

Read the full article: “Creating a Data-Driven Delivery Experience: How Delivery and Experience Management (DMXM) Unlocks Business-Changing Insights for Online Retailers”

About nShift

The Delivery & Experience Management (DMXM) platform from nShift for the company in e-commerce. Through continuous innovation and the large network of speditionen you can reach your limits. Mithilfe von End-to-End-Tools, who has gained the experience, can ask your expertise. On the basis of the Grundlage Vereinheitlichter data you can gain your knowledge, the useful information for the Verbinding and Optimizing Prozessen sind. With nShift you can give preference to a good connection with your Marke and your Customer machine.

nShift: Weniger Sorgen, more intelligent Versand.


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nShift: Einzelhändlern are urgently addressed, can be integrated, that 84% of the Fuhrungskräfte Probleme mit Datensilos haben