
Volksbank-Meeting des TV Weilstetten: Top athletes at the start

Volksbank-Meeting des TV Weilstetten: Top athletes at the start

On 41. Weilstetter Volksbank-Meeting, which will take place at 12 noon in the Bizerba-Arena, the many Lightathletes of the Landesspitze have reported. Both the Traditionsveranstaltung des TV Weilstetten were given for the U 12 to U 20 Startmöglichkeiten in über 75 Wettbewerben. Aktuell sind knappüber 130 Teilnehmer aus 27 Vereinen reportedet. An exciting battle can take place. The big Teilnehmerfelder is reported in both the weiblichen U12. The Jugendbereich is the siege with the best Tagesleistung a monetary prize.

The siege in the wurfdisziplinen (spear and ball) among the men of 20 years by Aaron Kommer (TB Tailfingen) for his verbuchen. In the U 20 Pia Schmidt-Rüdt (LG Welfen) is the favorite in all Disziplinen (100 meters, high and wide jump, ball, spear). At 200 meters of the U 18-Jungs the height of the landesspitze of Jannis Gartmann is a secret TV experience that does not resemble his steps. Matteo Valenti (LG farbtex Nordschwarzwald) traveled with a best choice of 50 meters in the spear in the Bizerba-Arena and the favorite role therein.

Local activities for the coming days

Zur Dreifachsiegerin kan sich Lokalmatadorin und Siebenkämpferin Jule Trickel (TV Weilstetten) mit de Disziplinen Weitsprung, Kugelstoßen und Speerwurf küren. In the 100 meters, Teamkollegin Indira Strobel was the first to win the Zielinie competition, the South German Meisterin Larissa Klumpp (TSG Balingen) was able to slide in the 200 meters.

On the M 15, Lenn Weinmann (LG Filder) dared at 100 meters and with the Kugel of the upper Siegerpodest a few. The Württembergian Meister Camilo Arroyo Vogt (TV Weilstetten) is the favorite in the Hochsprung. You can also visit top-class crew Colin Hoch (TV Weilstetten) at the M 14 in the Siegerlisten eintragen (100 meters, Weit and Kugel anyway über 300 meters at the M15).

Sunrise as a way out

Unterschiedliche Sieger pro Disziplin dürfte es both den W 15 geben. Here is Pia Tebbe (SV Unterjesingen) at 100 meters and in depth, Juli Mauch (TSV Rottweil) in Hochsprung and Speerwerfen, Teresie Hess (SG Schorndorf) at 300 meters and with the Kugel favorite. Also on the W 14 there could be different Zweifachsiegerinnen: Alena Klein (LG Filder) over 100 meters and in Weitsprung, Lisa Göhring (LAV Stadtwerke Tübingen) with Kugel and Speer.

Kalle Ahsbahs (TV Oberhaugstett) could carry both the M 13 of the Sieger over 75 meters in the high and long jump. Jona Vogt (TV 05 Friedingen) reached over 800 meters and reported the best performance with the javelin. In the M 12, Samuel Gerber (LV Pliezhausen) is the slight favorite at 75 meters and with the javelin. Johannes Strobel (TV 05 Friedingen) took part in the high demands of the waiter, Julian Gonser (LG Filder) in the Weitsprung – where both Julian Sonnenfroh vom secret TV Weilstetten dared to enjoy a good Zweikampf.

Exciting Competitive Races

In W 13 Lara Schneider (TV Oberndorf) stands at 75 meters and in the air on her Siegerin freestyles. Marie Sautter (TV Weilstetten) dared to jump high and Speerwerfen to see what happened. In the evening we could see Anni Marcard (LV Pliezhausen) at W 12 at 75 meters, in the Weit- und Hochsprung gegenüber der Konkurrenz durchsetzen.

Laurenz Butz vom heimischen TV Weilstetten is at the M11 of Topfavorit. Over 50 meters and in the weather conditions it is no longer possible to shear. Over 800 meters and in the ball rush, Mailo Sohmer (TuS Königsfeld) can find himself in the sets. Among the youngest Teilnehmern der M 10 ist der Weilstetter Max Neher in all Disziplines (50 Meter, Weit, Ballwurf and 800 Meter) with the best reports reported.

Many favorites

In Starterfeld of W 11, Alena Dekonti (TV Spaichingen, 50 Meter), Jana Ganter (SG Schramberg, Weitsprung) and Elisa Wallum (TV Oberndorf, Ballwurf) can leave the siege uninterrupted. In addition, in the W10, there were several victories in the competition: Polina Kivshar (TSV Dormettingen) over 50 meters, Lotta Stadelmann (TuS Königsfeld) over 800 meters, Melina DiDio Ragusa (SV Unterjesingen) in Weitsprung and Pauline Adolph (SG Schramberg) in Ballwurf .