
Erstes Dorftest with 27 Vereinen

Erstes Dorftest with 27 Vereinen


27 Vereine conspire: So Oberlunkhofen votes for a Dorftest-Premiere with 500 Arbeitsschichten

I come to the Wochenende feiert Oberlunkhofen as the first Dorftest with 27 Vereinen and Organisationen on the Schulareal. The chairman of the organizing committees has presented the program and given an instruction in the intensive planning.

The Bewohnerinnen and Bewohner of Oberlunkhofen will experience their Wochenende in a different way: Here you will find the first Dorffest-statt on September 6 and 7. It is a very financial plan that includes the Vereinen and the Gemeinde.

Ready for 2022, an eleven-talker figure Organizations Committee in Life would be called. “In the course of events, the Monaten has become more intense,” says OK President Christian Kron. A round 20 Sitzungen has hit the Mitglieder. That is why 27 Associations and Organizations with the Kelleramt their associations, a party on the debtor to the Beine set.

More than 500 labor notes for the festival

“That’s OK, it’s not too bad,” says Kron. “The war during the planning of a herausforderung, which has no power whatsoever, was a know-how hat.” They are proud of the fact that they will know the opportunity, new people and work together in common with a large soul.

Das OK des Dorffests in Oberlunkhofen freut sich auf die kommenden Tage. Vordere Reihe (from left): Christian Kron, Andrea Widmer, Stefanie Stöckli, Matti Staufer. Hintere Reihe (from left): Marco Widmer, Vivienne Graw, Stefan Heggli, Daniela Heggli, Claudio Gabriel, Marius Küng, Marco Widmer.

Das OK des Dorffests in Oberlunkhofen freut sich auf die kommenden Tage. Vordere Reihe (from left): Christian Kron, Andrea Widmer, Stefanie Stöckli, Matti Staufer. Hintere Reihe (from left): Marco Widmer, Vivienne Graw, Stefan Heggli, Daniela Heggli, Claudio Gabriel, Marius Küng, Marco Widmer.

Image: zvg

“The association has put together a very poor program,” says Kron. So it is after the experience in the free time that at 17 o’clock a variety of music and a party is played until 2 o’clock. On Saturday there are already 20 news, a youth disco and more music acts.

“There is still room for improvement, but it is also a matter of great concern,” says Kron. Dennoch has had a second musical career: the record concert of the Lunkhofen music associations and the band upgrade at Samstag.

“I have organized other parties, but that Dorffest is a bit bigger. We have 500 workdays, thank you. At one time, at that time, the Freiwillige zu vind, the music association Lunkhofen became further than her. «Mit rund 35 Mitgliedern übernehmen sienen Fünftel der Schichten», lobt Kron.

Regelmässige Durchführung für die Zukunft gewünscht

For the entire festival a man with a budget of 70,000 francs is available. The largest expenditure items were the infrastructure that included the payment of professional staff. The solitary simplicity of the festivals is the gastronomy and the jasmine. “If a profit should remain at the end of the festival, it will be flown into the common people,” explains Kron.

The OK-Präsident looks at the possibilities of the Zukunft, the village festival of a tradition of making. “Es ist eine große Kiste für Oberlunkhofen”, says there. “If it goes well, all three years will be a party for the organization.” With the collected know-how and the valuable experience that is there, the party is okay, the plan can be a party, nor a loser.