
„Normalerweise unterschreibe mit Kloppo“

„Normalerweise unterschreibe mit Kloppo“

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„Normalerweise unterschreibe mit Kloppo“
Bestens gelaunt bei seinem Besuch in Rathaus war Trainer-Legende Jürgen Klopp (vorne, M.), if there is in the Goldene Buch der Stadt Erding eintrug and dabei of OB Max Gotz (r.) as well as Weißbräu-Chef Werner Brombach (l.) flanking wall. The State Minister Ulrike Scharf of the Weißbräu-Geschäftsführer (from left) Josef Westermeier, Stefan Kreisz, Stefan Huckemann and Wolfgang Kuffner. © Wolfgang Krzizok

“Mia san Bier”: So how does coaching legend Jürgen Klopp see Montag in the Golden Book of the City of Erding eingetragen. Look at the collaboration with the inspired honeymoon.

Erding– It is now a few meters from Gasthaus Erdinger Weißbräu to his Rathaus, while Jürgen Klopp braucht relatively long on the Montagnachmittag. The 57-year-old trainer legend is the time in the Herzogstadt zu Gast. OB Max Gotz hates a golden book in the city. When it is time to get on the way to the Rathaus, Klopp must of course come from Passanten, the autograph must become a selfie and become hereditary.

Erfolgreiche Partnerschaft between Klopp and Erdinger Weißbräu

“We would like to welcome a guest in Erding,” said Gotz, when Klopp and the Weißbräu delegation and State Minister Ulrike Scharf will come to the meeting. By working out the concrete, a “craftsman city” is created and spread out. If things don’t work out here anymore, it will become a “fröhliche, possibile stadt kenlernen”, prophetic in the OB. The human being here is “modest, aber auch follower-minded”.

Gotz concreted the strong partnerships between Klopp and the Erdinger Weißbräu. “I wish I had more success,” it said. “And I think I’m optimistic. Davon brauchten wir in unserem Land ein bisschen more.”

“I have ‘Mia san Bier’ reingeschrieben”: Fröhlicher Klopp-Besuch in Erding

Der Ehrengast performs better on Laune. „Normalerweise unterschreibe ich mit Kloppo“, meinte there, if there is eintrug, „Aber hier muss ich Jürgen Klopp wrote.“ And if there is a fruitful war, there is laughter: „I hab ,Mia san Bier’ reingschrieben. Does man tie here?”

If you are not in the smaller Runde, it is back to the hotel for Klopp. The service specializes in the care of herbs – and wants to do so during the Herbstfest season.