
300 football fans go wild at Schalke

300 football fans go wild at Schalke

After a test game of the football of FC Schalke 04 against the Dutch Club NAC Breda (2:1) there is a Schlägerei-gerei with hundreds of fans of both teams. People who have been written with massive forces and started with debts, a strategy that has been prevented, are the police with them.

When the Ausschreitungen am Mittwochabend seien offensively people are lost. These things are like an encounter with the police. After the first Ermittlungen, the Krawallen were secured with 200 Schalker and 100 Fans from Breda.

Bereits zu Spielbeginn in Parkstadion hatten Fans from Breda Pyrotechnik abgebrannt. Zur Halbzeitpause gab es verbale Auseinandersetzungen zwischen de Fanlagern, so de Polizei.

Police: Weitere Eskalationslinie überschRITen

Ermittlungen zu dem Vorfall-laufen. It is possible that a personal touch is given to the party – another in a guest house, in the Schalker and with its friendly fans from the Dutch Enschede zu Gast waren.

Leading police director Peter Both spoke of a new “line of escalation” when the police were to engage in a multi-faceted friendship game with massive force shootings. The police will enter into battle with the game of the Associations in the future, to find a security of the elements.

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