
Teenager with four people and US-school

Teenager with four people and US-school


«Das reine Böse»: Teenagertötet vier Menschen und US-Schule

A debt in the US Federal State of Georgia inherits a Schütze das Feuer – four people are getötet. The mutmassliche Täter is first 14 years long. Consider your motivation.

Das Schulmassaker ereignete sich in Georgia.

Das Schulmassaker ereignete sich in Georgia.

Image: Keystone

A 14-year anniversary has a debt in the American state of Georgia, which has opened the fire and kept four people in mind. Among the Todesopfern it has been 14 years since there were more Schüler and Zwei Lehrkräfte, such as Chris Hosey of the first Ermittlungsbehörde. There are still more people who are concerned with the attack in the city winder after Atlanta. Your condition is not a life-threatening situation.

The Ermittlerne deals with the Schützen on a Schüler of the Apalachee High School. There will be parties and the police will be hit. There is a strong motivation for the police that has no Angaben. This means that this can take a long time. The youth is not an undisputed for the police.

Sheriff: «Liebe wird siege»

“I was able to clarify that Hass in this regard was not gained by the Oberhand. (…) The fact that it was so was heute schehen, besieged, by Barrow County Sheriff, Jud Smith. There is talk of Tat, die sich am Mittwochmorgen (Ortszeit) is ereignete, as the «pure Böse».

A debt policeman founded the 14th century. The youth has an experience that a Schusswechsel is, which is laid on the Boden and dries up. Further police officers were quick to fortify themselves and had helped. The ermittler could start the 14th years of life of the Mordes and an adult was discussed.

A classmate described the Jugendlichen as rude. “There was no crazy question,” said Lyela Sayarath of US-Sender CNN. Ausserdem is aregularmässig de Unterricht geschwänzt. Another Schülerin painted: «I hörte Schreie und so.» Sie habe sich zunächst nicht fell dabeithought, so Janice Martinez weiter. After it has become lauter, it has become lauter.

For example, the high school girls and boys are in the same class as students and meet exclusively in the school’s football stadium.

That quick questions on

The debts in the Bezirk are solved at the end of the week, they can be solved accordingly. When that happens, a lot of damage is done.

US-Medien has received a message, that it will happen tomorrow before the angry Drohanrufe is received. The Ermittler confirms that on the next question not. Laut Sheriff Smith has not made a direct personal decision about the protection and the solution.

As one of the leaders of the FBI’s Bundespolizei, it is noted that he has been receiving more anonymous information about an evil man for years. Konkret is een online-Drohungen gegangen, de fotos van Waffen und een Schusswaffenangriff und Schule ankündigten, dit is es. Der mutmassliche Schütze und dessen Vater seien daraufhin vernommen be. “Der Vater ga een, als er Jagdwaffen in Haus habe, der Verdächtige aber keinen unbeaufsichtigten Zugang zu diesen Waffen habe.”

Once the 13th time has been contested, an attack can be made. The debt burden is becoming alarming, a young problem is getting worse. “This is the time of the day and there are no grounds for further investigation or for further criminal penalties”, this is again.

Waffengewalt erschüttert USA ever wieder

In the US the Schüsse zum Alltag is heard. Schusswaffen in the US are lighter and larger in the Umlauf. Major attacks on this art, and on debts, in supermarkets, in nightclubs or at major reforms, are often the cause of discussions about a reform of the Waffenrechts – bislang ohne jeden Erfolg. A substantial diversion of the military in the US could cause the years of Republican obstruction.

US President Joe Biden and Ehefrau Jill acknowledge in one of the Mitteilung: “Schüler im ganzen Land lernen, in Deckung zu gehen en sich zu verstecken, anstatt Lesen and Schreiben zu lernen. Wir können die no longer than normal.» The Democrat has found a word from Sturmgewehren.

It concerns the American Vize Kamala Harris. “It is a bit worried, in our country, in the United States of America, Eltern in your Children’s Jews Tag in the School schicken and sich Sorgen machen müssen, but Ihr Kind lebend nach Hause kommt,” says the democratic Präsidentschaftskandidatin.

Republican U.S. President Donald Trump wrote on his online platform Truth Social: “These kids could go insane and create monstrous monsters.” Trump, 78, appeared on November 5 at Harris’s age 59.

After the Nichtregierungsorganisation Gun Violence Archive has been in the USA since the beginning of these years around 11,500 people have come through Schusswaffengewalt ums Leben – Suizide nicht eingerechnet. (dpa)