
Lokalsport HBW Balingen-Weilstetten opening net Saison Nachrichten der Ortenau

Lokalsport HBW Balingen-Weilstetten opening net Saison Nachrichten der Ortenau

The Bundesliga-Absteiger is played in the Zweitliga-Spiel am Freitag at 7 p.m. from TuS N-Lübbecke.

It’s no different! A fast-travelling and vigorous recovery time is located behind the Galliern. Player, trainer, the responsible title in the background and of course the fans who play the game, the new man and the big camp like punk and tore. Freitabend hat der HBW Balingen-Weilstetten die Ehre mit dem Heimspiel gegen de TuS N-Lübbecke de Saison 2024/25 zu eröffnen. The game starts in the Balinger SparkassenArena at 7 p.m. The party was based on the leadership of both unparteiischen Jan and Manuel Lier (Korntal-Münchingen/St. Gallen).

Nachdem from the 1. Liga goes to the Mannschaft der Gallier a greater Umbruch. Insgesamt zehn Spieler has the HBW-verlassen and insgesamt eight new since dazugekommen. The Trainer position involves a Wechsel. Since then Saisonbeginn Matthias „Matti“ Flohr das Sagen. There were wars from 2016 to 2019 as Spieler and anschließend until 2022 as Co-Trainer in Balingen. Get started with co-trainer Tobias Hotz, from the spare time of Jens Bürkle for the rest of the game of the season training as interim trainer responsible war and athletics trainer Sascha Ilitsch, a Balinger self-employed his youth, who the new Gaul -The team takes on the promising task in the 2nd Handball Bundesliga prepared. If Flohr no longer plays in the integrated team, the 2nd League is completely new, there is more than a barrier against the überwinden, while a young young man is preparing his exchange after Balingen had not yet taken place in Germany.

– To display –

Dennoch ist Flohr met de Verlauf der Vorbereitung Rechtzufrieden. “The Mannschaft that takes over power and has an uncanny power with the Jungs of the Workers”, is the declaration of the current National Player, that each one has a high Labor moral and the Tag laid and Bock darauf hat in the Galliern zu playelen. A more important Baustein, which is so positive, is the Tatsache, die Gaul in the Großen and Ganzen verletzungsfrei by the Vorbereitung that is adopted. “If you go clockwise, the war is important for the Entwicklung der Mannschaft ganz”, which gives Flohr the physical Abteilung, which has resulted in a lot of work.

The large part is positive in the test games, the HBW in the best written version of the previous hat, and the flower is now two-tiered. All the playground equipment is made, but there is still no construction combination that does well. “Abstimmung and Timing must be even better and with must also work on the automatisms”, sees the new Balingen Chief Coach with his men’s team fell still air after. It was still a certain time needed, but all the advice in an other hand, Flohr thinks that the team still needs time, it is a feted ist and, the man in this time is more than ever born must. It could be that you are confronted with the favorite favorite. Davon will in Balingen but nothing knows. There is a concrete soul-vorgabe that man himself offiziell not celebrated. A platz on the previous tablendrittel is one of the best and a season that GWD Minden has experienced, will man in Balingen unreservedly avoid.

This Monday gilded the focus on the first home game at the coming Friday night. With the TuS N-Lübbecke the Gauls gleich a heavy weight of the League, the new form of HBW-Sieben all over the world. The nettelstedter goes in those years to the favorite title on the championship title and the expansion in the DAIKIN Handball-Bundesliga. After the Platz is on the market, the East Westphalia countries can rejoice and have their names, while Balingen is the first two punks who arrange the affairs. If the Gaul has now started on the training and the preparatory training, Lübbeck can absolve the first light game. In a torreichen party is the man of chief trainer Michael Haas in the 1. Runde in DHB-Pokal with 40:37 against the Wilhelmshavener HV during the setzt. One of the Nettelstedt top shooters war Falk Kolodziej. There is talk of Absteiger Vinnhorst in the Wiehen Mountains and is in the 2016/17 season in the context of the Jung-Gallier.