
Start in the Turnhalle: Der Bundestag wird 75

Start in the Turnhalle: Der Bundestag wird 75

For 75 years ago in Bonn Geschichte geschrieben: First of all the Bundestag, the Parliament of the new established Federal Republic. A different processing organ was nevertheless faster.

Exakt 4.527 Plenarsitzungen, 8.977 verabschiedete Gesetze, 173.043 Drucksachen – de Geschichte des Deutschen Bundestags ließe sich anhand solcher Zahlen erzählen, die Geschichte des Deutschen Bundestags ließe sich anhand solcher Zahlen erzählen, die die Bundestagsverwaltung gerade penibele zuammengetragen hat. And then again: 2,524 namentliche Abstimmungen, 31,610 Stunden Gesamtsitzungszeit, 177,813 contentne Reason. A diesel Samstag for Genau 75 years by the Bundestag zu seiner first Sitzung jijsammen.

On September 7, 1949, the parliamentary Neuanfang after the Zusammenbruch Hitler-Deutschlands marked the Alliierten militärische erkämpft hatten. Das Land was in Trümmern, materially and morally. The war in West and East is coming to an end. These expatriate Wehrmacht soldiers remained in Soviet Kriegsgefangenschaft for four years after the Capitulation.

Provisionally who started the German war on August 14, 1949, the first session of the Bundestag: the Abgeordneten kamen in Bonn in the einstigen Turnhalle der Pädagogischen Akademie zusammen, which zum Plenarsaal to war. “Was there a concern for the German People of the Labor of the Bundestags?”, excerpt from Alterspräsident Paul Löbe at the Eröffnung der Sitzung en gab auch gleich itself de Antwort: “We have a stable regulation, a healthy society, a new social order in a healthy environment Privatleben aufrichten, unser Vaterland een kostenlos Blüte und neue Wohlstand entgegenführen.”

As of the Bundestag on September 7 at 4:05 PM, the Bundesrat will have its first meeting. The Länderkammer is aware of the Provisorium Pädagogische Akademie at 11.12 am, not in the airy Turnhalle, under the first Aula. A war in the Bundestag Beethoven with the session of the Sitzung was war in the Bundesrat Bach. The Bundestag as Gesetzgeber, the Bundesrat as Instrument of the Landinterests and a Stück weit also as Korrektiv – so that the Mütter and the Väter of the Grundgesetzes receive the first Order of the new State Festivals.

75 Years of the Bundestag – it became a parliamentary work, but also the great Debates of the Schlüssel- und Richtungsfragen der Republik. So the Parliament experienced a 20-piece speech in February 1952 for the German government. On February 22, the parliamentary debate was held in February 1972. Heated debates in 1968 with the Verabschiedung der Notfallgesetze, 1974 with the reform of the Abtreibungsparagraven 218, 1981 with the NATO Doppelbeschluss or 1990 with the Einigungsvertrag geführt.

The last years of the Bundestag have begun with debates on the most important political issues that implant diagnostics has gone through in 2011 or the star years 2015 and 2023 Parlamentsgeschichte einzugehen. If the Bundestag has a Sonttag on February 27, 2022, a Sondersitzung path goes through the Überfalls Russlands to the Ukraine, where he goes with his sister party and Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD) with the “Zeitenwende” prägte, while he discusses the debates in three countries.

The next session took place late at night on June 20, 1991. The Bundestag quickly arranged a wonderfully slow session of parliament and the government. At 21.47 Uhr verkündete Bundestagspräsidentin Rita Süssmuth (CDU) das handsome Votum für de Umzug nach Berlin. They were also involved in a logistical reform: In 24 Zugen, 50,000 cubic meters of Möbel von der Alten rolled into the new Hauptstadt. On September 1, 1999, the Bundestag and Federal Government officiated at work in Berlin.

75 years ago, the Bundestag began to participate and celebrate more. In 1983, the Greens were sucked in, in 1990, the PDS (the modern Left), in 2013, the FDP fled, in 2017, they returned. The Wahl 2017 was a shock for the AfD-first in the Bundestag. A new year has appeared in December 2023: the left faction has disappeared, after Sahra Wagenknecht and new other Abgeordnete have been withdrawn from the party. They sit on the Left and on the BSW as groups with grim jurisdiction in parliament.