
Gutenstein – Bürgermeister abgesetzt: It is its own list and the ÖVP-dazu

Gutenstein – Bürgermeister abgesetzt: It is its own list and the ÖVP-dazu

Was it successful that Michael Kreuzer had joined the military service after his work as Bürgermeister – nor had he been brought in with a misstrauensantrag, his own Fraktion “Gut für Gutenstein”? “It is important to have a close relationship with our community,” says GfG-Fraktionsvorsitzende Hilde Ramberger, a member of the NÖN: “Michael Kreuzer does not communicate with our internal community and the Fraktion in our new community.”

Neben der Ihrer Sicht mangelnden Kommunikation sei auch die finanzielle Lage der Gemeinde an Grund für die Absetzung gewesen: “The economic situation in Gutenstein is not gut”, so Ramberger. Now it is true that Gutenstein is making a new start with his machine. I am happy, all the fractions see them and there is a concern for the community and the citizens.”

Michael Kreuzer as Bürgermeister von Gutenstein abgesetzt

Missing person petition

The ÖVP is an “independent representative of the company”, so the retiring municipal party leader Herbert Schmirl to NÖN: “That must now stand for all municipal retirees in the front row.” Who can choose the company of the past and the world of the people’s party? “A certain community of GfG has spoken to us in the last weeks of the conversation and examined us, that is to say, at the criminal proceedings to support us. We, the Gemeinderäte der Volkspartei, haben uns die Entscheidung nicht leicht gemacht, aber uns were natürlich diese Vorfälle auch bekannt“, so Schmirl, der concretet: „Weder Ex-Bürgermeister Kreuzer nor jemand von seinen Vertrauten hat sich in our roads a clear conversations reported.“

Michael Kreuzer hat in a personal celebration: “Der Antrag zu meiner heutigen Abwahl as Bürgermeister wurde ohne sachlichen bzw. Concrete Anlass stated. There are things you can do, but other people can do other things. It is a new world or the Zukunft is a schöne Gemeinde.’