
Wiener Börse (Mittag) – ATX lays 0.3 Prozent zu | 05.09.24

Wiener Börse (Mittag) – ATX lays 0.3 Prozent zu | 05.09.24

The Wiener Börse has continued to present a slightly higher trend on Thursday in midday trading. The ATX is displayed when it has a value of 0.30 percent at 3,638.22 units, next to the secret index to be as clear as possible. A European index is a statement that makes the directional trend clear.

A secret trading market at an external Zumtobel with a big lead in Blickfeld. The Vorarlberger Leuchtenhersteller has started in his new Geschäftsjahr 2024/25. I have a quarter of the cost of 1.2 Prozent at 289.1 Mio. Euro zu, der Gewinn costs 30.3 Prozent on 12.8 Mio. Euro. The operator of the Vorarlberger Leuchtenherstellers in the Jahresviertel service claims the Erste Group in one of the first Einschätzung as über de Erwartungen. Der Umsatzausweis entspach den Prognosen. Die Zumtobel-Papiere reactierten mit Kursgewinnen in Höhe von 2,2 Prozent.

The OMV title offers a discount on a price of 38.90 Euro. The analysts of the Erste Group have done their research on the activities of oil and gas producers who have done ‘buy’ or ‘hold’. The Kursziel would increase the price of the savings on the Rohölpreis and the Refinery margins from 52.50 to 39.70 gekürzt.

Among the banking heavyweights, BAWAG is worth 2.8 percent. Erste Group extends 0.2 percent. The action by Raiffeisen Bank International could yield a plus of 0.5 percent. In the technology area, AT&S interest rates are expected to rise by 2.3 percent.

The real estate financier has a number of minus points of 1.7 percent. There were two Vortagen that the title of the real estate groups quickly lost 20 percent in the summer. The analysts of the Erste Group look at the volatile movements of the company. Zudem trades the companies over a further interest rate at Simmo.


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