
Company on Sparkurs? Tips for inheritance Branchenwechsel

Company on Sparkurs? Tips for inheritance Branchenwechsel

If you haven’t had a personal relationship for a year, it’s now a sudden: Einstellungsbremse! “If you’re active in the labor market, you might think that you’ll have a good Fachkräftemangel – obwohl wir tatsächlich einen haben”, says Anna Lüttgen, Director Talent Delivery at Personalvermittler Hays.

Many companies were put forward the investments in the labor market at the time. “A certain sector has been called upon, which supports the common car industry, sellers with their own employees”, so Lüttgen. VW has announced something young, Jobs wants to abdicate. But also Machine construction and trade have become just one sector of the sector, which is affected by the resurgence. At the same time, its branches, the high quality of the financing has a larger energy sector and the pharmaceutical and health care industry as a result.

If you are in a particular industry, you are still unsure whether you are working in a certain industry or not: Is this not the right industry for me? Wer den Sprung dares, braucht aber de richtige Herangehensweise. So I’m the best for you.

Personal Entwicklungsplan reflect

If there is a trade organization, otherwise if there is a demand, then the Karriereweg is complete with changes, says Lüttgen. The theme of civilization between 35 and 45, the bereits etwas erreicht haben.

If you are looking for a solution, the situation with your own career plan is zu beschäftigen: Who is my career slowing down? Who is my personal development plan looking forward to? It is so that, if it were different, man could and man was brought.

For Gerhard Helm, Business Coach from Munich, I close the questions “Am I still in the industry?” and “Am I different in the industry?” He responds pragmatically: “If an industry has an option, it may be that verbs are used in the industry that can be adapted.”

Identifying Schnittmengen – and investing in Weiterbildung

A Wechsel is best when a man moves into an “art-related industry”, so Lüttgen. The return on the car industry and it can be a big challenge, but other industries are exciting and the own career souls come about.

Be that as it may, if you make a piece of furniture with the quality of the quality of a car maintenance, then it is worth it: Which Industrien has a good process? Have you received an assessment and a bigger picture, if the man has a hat, can the woman not fall anymore? What knowledge can a man be in the new industry? Do you want to make a new appeal to the knowledge that makes a profit? Gerhard Helm follows the central fragment: Who can with his know-how, with his current knowledge, determine a different position?

Anna Lüttgen worked, in one of the following steps to identify herself, the majority of the branches is a prosperous man as a Bewerberin or Bewerber with investments in the own Weiterbildung full of muss.

First apps can use a network on Linkedin or Xing. Read your profile and analyze the results of the analysis of the Arbeitgebern. With the help of information, advertisers and advertisers can be separated, what is asked. “Then I see that: you can develop your own skills and work out a learning program,” says Lüttgen.

Successful Branchenwechsel: Ehrlicher Umgang mit Fähigkeiten

It is a company that can appeal, because it is not that special attention is paid to the skills that have been developed, which in the Wunschbranche is about the welds. If there is an engineer who works in this way, it is not the intention that the factory settings are defined – if there is a reorganization, then the activities are man of the design in the project management. Without condition, advertisers and advertisers should avoid the phrase “Ich kann mich in alles einarbeiten”. “That is a no man,” says Lüttgen. “A certain connection must be schon da.”

If the branches of a company have a debt, the man can not hide. “It is still a matter of pleasure,” said Business Coach Helm. I think this is the case in the Worte Packen: “The industry, out of the come, is not developing well, I should broaden my horizons.” Wer Bereitschaft zei, sich weiterzuentwickeln, habe gute Chancen. Be that as it may, for the new ‘hip’ themes, smart intelligence, digitalization or nachhaltigkeit are used.

Find a couple in a new industry, it is a great source of water – it is often new, it is often incomprehensible. If you can no longer use your comfort zone, you can approach the redevelopment with a positive attitude, so personal expert in Lüttgen: «One should make oneself aware that it is now in a new direction, that one is an exciting force of learning and that is for him sich selft tut.»