
Ausbildungs- und Studienstart in der Privatmolkerei Bauer

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  4. Water castle on the Inn

The robbery starter at the private dairy Bauer
Die Berufsstarter bei der Privatmolkerei Bauer: Manuela Wimmer (Personalreferentin), Kathrin Scheper, Simon Schellbach, Veronika Matzka, Carina Ott, Oliver Rosca, Michael Janker (Geschäftsführer), Elisabeth Dinzenhofer, Simon Franzler, David Trauner, Sabine Wieland (Leitung Personal), Lina Decker, Christoph Rahm, Denisz Vaszilenko, Venis Haziri © Privatmolkerei Bauer

It is the first time that a new life is breathed into it: For the new Ausbildungsjahr, the Privaatmolkerei Bauer 14 is engaged and permanent professional starters. In Wasserburg, the young talents were taken through the start in their studies and two dual bachelor studies.

Die Pressemeldung der Privatmolkerei Bauer in Wortlaut:

Water castle on the Inn – Debts such as people who are vergebens, after the debt has ended, are who the current debt is. 14 young men start in diesen Tagen ihre Ausbildung bzw. ihr duales Studium at the private farm Bauer. These new colleges start in exciting Berufen:

  • Industrial shop
  • Milk technology
  • Milchwirtschaftlichen Labanten
  • Machine and installation manager
  • Electronics engineer for automation technology

Zusätzlich dazu verstärken ab August bzw. September two dual studies in the Fachrichtungen BWL-Industrie as well as Lebensmitteltechnologie das BauerTeam. Die Berufsstarter in Überblick:

  • Lina Decker (Milchwirtschaftliche Laborantin)
  • Elisabeth Dinzenhofer (Dual Student in Lebensmitteltechnologie)
  • Simon Franzler (Dualer Student BWL Industry)
  • Venis Haziri (Maschinen- en Anlagenführer)
  • Veronika Matzka (Milchtechnologin)
  • Carina Ott (Industriekauffrau)
  • Christoph Rahm (Milchwirtschaftlicher Laborant)
  • Oliver Rosca (Maschinen- en Anlagenführer)
  • Simon Schellbach (Industriekaufmann)
  • Kathrin Scheper (Industriekauffrau)
  • Andreas Steinbeiß (Electronician for Automation Technology)
  • David Trauner (Industriekaufmann)
  • Denisz Vaszilenko (Miltechnologist)

Theory and practice cleverly combined

If the representation of the car is in the bag, the nachwuchskraäften at Bauer may well be perspectives. From the beginning to the end it was party in one of the other countries and during the term of the autobildung it was a fachfremde Abteilung. Der Blick über de Tellerrand would be another set gefördert:

Voluntary Austausch programs work on the study and study results, in the four other departments of the Bauer-Gruppe that host. They are the Elsdorfer Molkerei, the Immergut Molkerei, Frikoni Frischkostsalate and Märker Feinkost. For Berufsanfänger, who absolviere a duales Studium, it is worth playing an Australian semester.

The practice of the research said that it is another interesting couple: on @bauer_karriere on Instagram. It is an exciting activity in the Arbeit at Bauer. Hautnah and completely unmade. “We are important, our authentic images are authentic”concrete Manuela Wimmer. A new azubis and a dual student: these children were directly with a single bunden. After starting at Bauer, your error messages are regularly displayed.

Enger Austausch with the middle school students of the region

The private molkerei Bauer has reached out to the region’s mediocre schools, an example of the practical application of the private sector. So you are interested in the environmentally friendly laboratory workers in the “Soziales” Einblicke in their Berufsalltag. For the Schülerinnen and Schüler heißt das: austry, was in a typical work on the programsteht.

So if you put your finger on the button when pipetting while setting, try bacterial cultures under the best microscope or when performing the various yoghurt varieties from Bauer.

Pressemitteilung Privatmolkerei Bauer