
Schüsse in Munich: Polizei geht von Terroranschlag auf Israel’s Generalkonsulat aus – Munich

Schüsse in Munich: Polizei geht von Terroranschlag auf Israel’s Generalkonsulat aus – Munich

Who das Generalkonsulat and Karolinenplatz kam

The Israeli General Consulate is located in the new Jahren on Barer Straße, on Karolinenplatz. The roast is a profane Bürotrakt, the place but has history. Here war against the state lottery system be secret, the representative of the Haus zum Karolinenplatz, a party court of the Nazis, spread out two Bürotrakte in the garden very much. One of the things that the lottery system does for the consulate is core, modernization and renewal. That was before six years; when the plan began, war is a sensation: the Israeli state represents the representative of Munich in the fight against the Nazi parties.

It is a general royal decree in Munich at all, it is an indefinite matter. When the Nazis began the city and the “Hauptstadt” in their movement, Adolf Hitler’s Aufstieg began. For Israel, the name Munich was established with the Olympia-Attentat of 1972 connected, at the eleven Mitglieder of the Israeli Olympiadelegation starben – at an attentive palestinian terrorists, started during the catastrophic failure of the German Security Service.

In the summer of 2011, Israel can be a representative in Munich, while in the coming years the grocers can rely on a Provisorium in Brienner Straße, which is the Hauptsitz of BayernLB. This is one of the main ways in which the Gestapo ended the Nazi dictatorship in the Zentrale. This Provisorium should be the General King as Sitz, it is a Karolinenplatz.