
Fachkräftemangel in Altenhilfe with people from the Australian community

Fachkräftemangel in Altenhilfe with people from the Australian community

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The Fachkräftmangel helps the Arbeitnehmerinnen and Arbeitnehmer from Ausland, so who are Rana Haddad from Syria (from left), Irene Ngangoue Kouganou from Kamerun and Peter Guirguis from Spain.
The Fachkräftmangel helps the Arbeitnehmerinnen and Arbeitnehmer from Ausland, so who Rana Haddad from Syria (left), Irene Ngangoue Kouganou from Kamerun and Peter Guirguis from Spain. © Anna Weyh

The Fachkräftemangel said that he was involved in fast Allen Branchen, in the Pflege- and Altenheimen. Days help with the execution of work and work in Ausland.

Bad Hersfeld – For five years Irene Ngangoue Kouganou came from Kamerun in Germany. The care power can be called upon at the Altenhilfezentrum hospital in Bad Hersfeld. The region has become in its Zuhause, its power in its great Spaß.

The road to the labor war will never again take place in the 30th century. In addition to the Mehraufwand, it is so that Irene Ngangoue Kouganou and Cornelia Knierim, the director of the Einrichtung, are secure.

Who fights other branches against the Altenhilfe against the Fachkräftemangel. „Wirben über Portale, Mundpropaganda, Infoveranstaltungen und de Sozialen Medien. Aber Leute zu finden, ist schwer,” says Cornelia Knierim.

The employment agency will submit the application, alternative ways to obtain personal information and apply for a human or German passport – so who Irene Ngangoue Kouganou. “Actually, I want to study here in Germany, but my visa has been granted,” says the woman, who originally comes from Central Africa.

770 Menschen in dem Ausland fanden Job

The Arbeitsagentur Bad Hersfeld-Fulda and the Kreisjobcenter verzeichneten in August 2797 worklose Menschen im Landkreis Herfeld-Rotenburg, located in 1073 in Ausland. The large groups saw people from Ukraine (430) and Syria (170), teilt a Sprecherin der Arbeitsagentur mit. Im Zeitraum August 2023 tot August 2024 haben aber auch rund 2400 Menschen den Weg von der Beitslosigkeit in eine Beschäftigung gefunden – darunter knapp 770 Menschen aus dem Ausland.

If the opportunity arises, if Aupair is a German family, it would be. “You are completely free from the burden of care and care.”

Tie hat Irene Ngangoue Kouganou überzeugt. They wanted to complete a closed path and started with a Freiwilligen Sozialen Jahr (FSJ) in a Rehabilitation Clinic. If you have an Empfehlungssreiben of your best chef and your chef can start with the beginning: “I want to work with the people – and I am here at the end.”

The work at the Altenhilfezentrum Hospital, the evangelistic Altenhilfe Gesundbrunnen in Hofgeismar gehört and the people who are different nationals, functional problems, bestätigs Cornelia Knierim: “Irene comes with the residents and the other employees are happy Irene.” Ngangoue Kouganou comments: “ I am the best team.”

Dass Integration op de Arbeitsmarkt cannot be longer than a Beispiel of 30-Jährigen. Peter Guirguis from Spain works as a care worker in Haus Kreuzberg in Philippsthal, and Rana Haddad from Syria works as a kitchen helper in the evangelical Altenhilfezentrum Ludwigsau-tätig (next to Einrichtungen ebenfalls evangelische Altenhilfe Gesundbrunnen).

The introductions

The Altenhilfezentrum Ziekenhuis in Bad Hersfeld, the Haus Kreuzberg in Philippsthal and the evangelical Altenhilfezentrum Ludwigsau in Reilos heard from the Trägern of the evangelical Altenhilfe Gesundbrunnen in Hofgeismar and the evangelical Pflegediensten Gesundbrunnen. The three locations have a number of permanent stations and two outpatient care facilities for four Tagesspflegen. Together with three residents in the rural region, 350 people live in uninterrupted areas, living outside the German Pass.

Both affect the contacts with the real estate agents and the tenants – and you want to improve your speaking skills during your work. “I speak five languages. I could follow a German language that is still correct,” said 39-year-old Peter Guirguis. Rana Haddad came to Germany for new years:

“For all those first years, we were proud of myself. Deutsch zu lernen, ist mir schwergefallen,” said the 43-year-old. Make sure the speech is black and clean. Gemeinsam with their children, between the ages of eight and 14, can no longer be – “one nor a second child’s life can be solved in the Altenhilfe.”

If you visit the Arbeitsagentur, says Christine Kraft, Arbeitsvermittlerin at Arbeitgeberservice Bad Hersfeld. If a person signs up, it can not be that the note or the knowledge of the paint is distributed, but it is a verschied Offers for Support:

“Wir dern zum Beispiel Weiterbildungen and prüfen bei Menschen aus Drittstaaten, ob abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung anerkannt zijn kann,” said Kraft. Either way, it’s a personal separation. (Anna Weyh)