
After the Schwimmern comes the Modellbauer

After the Schwimmern comes the Modellbauer

Helmut Wisniewski (left) from the Freibadverein sits on the 1-meter Turm in Freibad Hamminkeln-Dingden. Neben ihm Schwimmmeister Heinz Schmitz.
Helmut Wisniewski (left) vom Freibadverein and Schwimmmeister Heinz Schmitz happily lived in Dingdener Freibad. ©Sven Betz

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In the summer period the city of Hamminkeln hates the Regie in Freibad Dingden. Now the Freibadverein is again responsible. If there is a problem, then it is bad for a summer vacation – a malicious construction that can last a few years before it does not start anymore.

If the city has been a Freibad for the years in Hamminkelns, it is becoming smaller and smaller, with its own Freibadverein. Mittlerweile gut 50 Ehrenamtliche stop das Bad met ihrem Engagement am Laufen. If you are in Dingden it will take longer. Ihr Einsatz ermöglicht is auch, dass das bad nun noch bis zum Sonntag, September 15, geöffnet hat. We’re done with summer.

A Schiffsmodell fährt auf dem Wasser im Becken des Freibads in Hamminkeln-Dingden. Mitglieder des Schiffsmodellbauclubs Hamminkeln und Helmut Wisniewski vom Freibadverein schauen vom Beckenrand aus zu.
The Schiffsmodellbauclub Hamminkeln will present 100 Schiffsmodelle in Freibad Dingden at the end of September and they will also be present on the water.© sp

Kurz before the end of the 2024 season look at the responsible information: In the last months, the freedom of the Mitarbeitern der Stadt Hamminkeln under the Leitung von Heinz Schmitz was appreciated. In Dieser Zeit kamen beef 16,700 Besucher ins idyllically situated Bad. It is an orderly value – namlich 3500 Badegäste more as I was before this time.

Beef 8800 Badegäste hat der Freibadverein bisher gezählt; It was in 2023. Freibadvereins-Vorsitzender Helmut Wisniewski addressed himself to a “Durchschnittsjahr with air after having access”. There is a high price, nor the 10,000 Badegäste full zumachen.

Particularly hereditary: We have made new decisions about the way in the things that are poorly financed, but it has become a lot easier to stay free for a year. If you buy the Freibadverein in one of the following years, you will receive an amount of: For 19,000 euros, an electrically powered solar sailor gets the children’s plans for the Schatten. “That goes very well with children and families,” confirm Wisniewski and Schmitz. Two solar milk donors, donated by the ordinary Lions Club, run the offer from.

Such a large investment that was not planned for the year 2025. “Now we have to fill our box again first,” said Helmut Wisniewski and laughs. Eventually new flies will appear in the men’s toilets. One of the people involved in the bathing technology is with unforeseen investment studies.

Nur wenig Hausverbote im Freibad Dingden

One of the stories about the responsibility and poor quality is: Mittlerweile würde deutlich little Müll auf der Wiese liegelassen, it is true that it will develop over the years. And if you put the disziplin in your bad intestine – Badeverbote must now take Schwimmmeister Schmitz out of the air. Beispielsweise then, wenn wiederholt would be wildly sprung from Beckenrand. If the confusion does not work, the bad repair is not necessary. “It is beautiful in the safety of the Badegäste,” says Schmitz.

Highlight of that year – it is an eternity – war during the festivities on the 60th anniversary of the best in the baths in June.

For the Schwimmer-geöffnet hat the Bad jetzt noch bis until September 15. With Option auf Verlängerung, if the Wetter are bombastically sollte. Today is the free time of the following hours: Mondays from 3 to 6 p.m., working days from 7 to 11 a.m. and 3 to 6 p.m., as well as weekdays from 9 to 11 a.m. and 3 to 6 p.m.

The Saison is no longer available: you will find the annual exchange of statistics of the Freibadvereins. On Wednesday, September 28 and 29, you will be swimming in a boat with people from the Becken: Then the Schiffsmodellbauclub Hamminkeln will have 100 Schiffsmodelle aus and lässt diese auch auf dem Wasser fahren. There is a preführungen and an Ausstellung. It was no longer day: a Hundeschwimmen, which occurs in other areas of the region zum Saisonende. Warum? When he stopped going to the family bath for a while, he found Helmut Wisniewski. “As long as I am a member of the Freibadvereins, I will not be here,” it says.