
Low-Carb Zucchini Lasagna with Vegan Hack

Low-Carb Zucchini Lasagna with Vegan Hack

By Sandra Schaffert

Without knitted noodles, topped with more zucchini. A low-carb alternative to traditional lasagna, after the meal has set in, is one of the noodles. Also the vegan hack or a protein shake.

Ingredients for 4 servings:

  • 1 large zucchini
  • 2 knots
  • ½ crank
  • 250g Vegan Hack
  • 1 Dose Chopped Tomatoes
  • 150 g fresh farm cheese
  • 150 grams of mozzarella
  • 30 grams of Appenzeller
  • 2 tsp olive oil
  • 1 tsp Thymian
  • 1 tsp oregano
  • ½ chili flakes
  • Salty
  • Pfeffer

So go for the low carb zucchini lasagna and vegan hack:

Zucchini of the long duration in not allzu thinne Scheiben schneiden. Light salzen and 10 – 15 minutes of initial welding. Danach trockentupfen.

Chop the lettuce and garlic, in 1 tsp. Olive oil. The hack can provide a solution and this is a way to come. With thyme, chili, oregano, salt and peppercorns. The chopped tomatoes are chopped, while the heat is slightly welding.

Ofen auf 180 degrees upper and lower temperatures.

Lasagna flashes: With the rest of them, they are a perfect finishing touch. Cover the bottom of the mold with a burst of zucchini, then spread the Hackfleisch-Tomato-Mix and add the cold, fresh tops. As long as we have been in hiding since all Zutaten have been born. The Abschluss sollte eine Zucchini-Schicht photos.

The zupfte Mozzarella and the fresh Appenzeller taste great when served quickly.

The lasagna on the stove is back from 35 to 40 minutes, until the cheese is golden brown.

After returning the lasagna, let it cool for a few minutes. Serve. Fertig.

Dazu passes: A fresher salad or Kimchi. If you want to look at a Low-Carb version, you can try Brot, Fladenbrot or Vollkorn-Fladenbrot if you are rich.

More ideas or new combinations are here: SATZ – SALAT | Food and more

Nutritional value and calories

For the complete Mahlzeit:

Calories: 1450 kcal
Fat: 89 grams
Carbohydrate: 49 grams
Egg white: 114 grams
Bulking agents: 15 grams


Calories: 363 kcal
Fat: 22 grams
Carbohydrate: 12 grams
Egg white: 29 grams
Bulking agents: 4 grams

There are two types of food that are based on the standard values ​​of the used Lebensmittel. Dadurch können is if you after used Zutat and Marke no longer separated.