
13 Prizes at the Design Center Linz beautifully presented

13 Prizes at the Design Center Linz beautifully presented

A work that is based on technology and power, is the first KI-generated music video and a project that is fully healthy, and that results in successful projects at the Electronica Festival 2024, under the motto “HOPE who will turn the tide.” Steet. Insgesamt wurden Donnerstagabend 13 Preise überreicht zijn – von de Nicas über die StartsPrizes bis zum Award for Digital Humanity.

The art director of Ars Electronica, Gerfried Stocker, acted as chief moderator through the evening and welcomed the guest from politics, art and science. In the red city of Linzer Doris Lang-Mayerhofer (ÖVP) and his colleague Dietmar Prammer (SPÖ) of Landeshauptmann Thomas Stelzer (ÖVP) the first AI-generated video with the song “The Hardest Part” by Washed Out about his prize-winning performance has appeared. The American American Paul Trillo has worked with the Golden Nica in the new category AI and Art.

Die Beziehung swiss Technology and Power

An EU Commission Start-up Prize has been awarded to Australian AI scientist Kate Crawford and Vladan Joler, Professor of New Media at the University of Novi Sad, for “Calcably Empires”, in which technology and power are reconfigured over the years, as well as the cultural initiative of the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva with the hands of Stelzer and Peter Friess from the EU Commission.

The first prize was awarded to the StartPrize Africa and the project “Balot NFT” of the Congolese Initiative Cercle d’Art des Travailleurs de Plantation Congolaise (Kunstkreis der Congolese Plantagenarbeiterinnen en Plantagenarbeiter).

The initiative “Verhoogen” by Kerstin Neumann and Robert Papa has been awarded a Citizen Science Prize by the European Union, and will, together with the European Union, buy the American economy from the secret cultural scum and their livelihood, an agricultural benefit to be increased.

Both visited the category of the Spanish OpenSystems group for its action “CoAct for Mental Health”, which is affected by the sheer size of the health care system, and the SeaPaCs project, which targets the plastic pollution of the sea.

Methane clouds and Beschwichigungen

We continue with Golden Nicas in the category New Animation Art and Interactive Art+ and went with Beatie Wolfe (GB) to “Smoke and Mirrors” and Französin Diane Cesutti to “Nosukaay”. Wolf’s moving video work focuses on the industrial outflow clouds that illuminate the overcast sky of the great companies.

Cesutti is one of the major players in generating gaming installations in a webstuhl of west african mango with a computer of textile machines.

The Award for Digital Humanity presented by the Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs is awarded to the Dutch Theatre Group De Toneelmakerij in ‘Patchwork Girl’ Sexting, Slut-Shaming, Empowering and Dealing with One’s Own Sexual Nature of the Fehlende Ethics on the Internet.

They both praised State of the Art(ist) and went to Ukrainian Nina Bulgakova for ‘Fertility Performance’ (jointly with Anastasiia Mostova and Kateryna Zhuravlova), a Tanzperformance, the ritual rituals of Weiblichkeit, new Erde and Fruchtbarkeit ergründet. Ahmed Mohamed Alhassan from Sudan said he was in favor of the installation “Haawriya”, with visual and auditory elements of the civil Protest for Freedom, Peace and Justice during the Sudanese Revolution (2019) nachspürt.

Flight routes over the Mittelmeer

The Golden Nica from the U19 competition went to Jakob Gruber from Henndorf am Wallersee for his video “Fluten der Freiheit”, the dangerous refugee route on the theme of the Middle Lake.

The gala opened with performances by the artists Daniel Simu and the Kombo with the Robopsychologist Martina Mara, Rapperin Yasmo and MC Flip. These are important during the Gala – Sieger labor since the end of the day during the festival.