
Verbraucherschützer roads “vertecktem” Alcohol in Backwaren – Hinweis gefordert

  1. Fehmarnssches Dagblad
  2. Consumer

Verbraucherschützer fordern eine bessere Kennzeichnung von Alcohol in Lebensmitteln wie Backwaren. The Bäckerei-Verband dies before the überflüssig.

Kassel – Often you find alcohol in the kitchen, if you use it – such as in Bakwaren. This is one of the ways in which the Bavarian State Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL) from the year 2018: In 24 of 31 tested baked breads, alcohol could be found. Demnach would be in the probe with the high concentration of “Ethanol” and as “Ethyl alcohol” in the clearest explanation.

The answer is strictly mandatory, it is only printed as a small item on the expansive packaging. It is not good to use the consumer protectors. It is a good idea to get another knowledge. The Verbraucherzentrale Nordrhein-Westfalen (NRW) began producing products in 2023 that enable “the gutting and rapid drainage of alcohol on alcohol” – “possible on the stove”.

Stealth Alcohol in Food: Consumer Protection Sees Problem for Children

“Verbraucherbeschwerden say, that the people who consume alcohol in the Zutatenliste übersehen,” said Stephanie Wetzel, coordinator of the project life support in the Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband. “It is a problem for children and people to see alcohol.” Alcoholic drinks can be made with a deutlichen hindi verse. Das Gleiche gelte für unpackte Lebensmittel und Speisen im Restaurant.

A smaller Junge is a Brötchen.
Consumer protection warns of “hidden” alcohol in food. All of these can lead to fatal child persecutions. (Symbol image) © Thomas Trutschel/Imago

The Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs has drawn attention to its violation German Press AgencyThis means that the European Union is governed by the knowledge rights that are subject to legal requirements. The right of initiative for the underspending lies with the EU Commission. The Ministerium understands that the European Union is harmonized with the knowledge of the use of alcoholic beverages, thus a speaker. Man became constructive in his own efforts.

Verband Deutscher Großbäckereien findet Kennzeichnung von Alcohol in Backwaren ausreichend

Do you have a problem with Backwaren über Alkohol? “Alkohol in life is no longer a problem with the operation of the device, but then on the technical swings of the food”, explained the Verbraucherzentrale NRW. So if alcohol is a product, one of these products will stop – no matter how you get it from the supermarket: these are sprinkled with the ethanol, a long fresh time to stop.

Was there any difference between Ethanol and Alcohol?

Ethanol is a special art form of alcohol, which is used in vaporization and is for the human genius. Alcohol is one of the most important chemicals of a whole group of connections. If there is alcohol consumption, it can also be own ethanol.

Source: Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care

Allerdings kommt Alkohol auch natur in Brötchen for: Der Verband Deutscher Großbäckereien erläuterte, teilweise entstehe Alkohol im Teig selfbst door de Gärprozess. Die Stärke im Getreide liefere Zucker, de Hefe in Kohlendioxid und Alcohol umwandele. Provide a good taste for aromabildung and a tasty Kruste. The messable Menge is minimal. If you would like to receive information, you will see the relationship with the knowledge as well.

Especially high-quality: New wines are matured, so you can enjoy a glass of wine at home without having to drink them. The Deutsche Ernährungsgesellschaft (DGE) is clear, alcohol is mild in the tropfen.

Kontroverse um Backwaren: “Wenn Kinder Mitessen, besser ohne Alcohol kochen und backen”

The Federal Institute for Risk Assessment is of the opinion that the Ethanol from the natural Gärungsprozessen does not comment on a bad or toxic effect – on large quantities of mixtures and by “empfindliche Untergruppen” in the population approx. If the check valve is used, a reduction in the ethanol content is caused.

At the consumer center NRW, the alcohol was not completely distilled at high temperatures. Experts therefore recommend: “If children want a little more, you should use an alcohol cooker and baken.” An alternative is an apple juice for heart-healthy dishes, bitter chocolate for chili or roast soup, a teabag or vanilla for a nut rich in alcohol. If the device is usually checked for alcohol, it is checked. (cln/dpa)