
Zweite Phase der Polio-Impfkampagne in Gazastreifen läuft

Zweite Phase der Polio-Impfkampagne in Gazastreifen läuft

While the WHO hated Israel’s “humanitarian pauses” in the fight against the radical Islamic Hamas, the Gaza Strip could seize more than 640,000 children polio. This war began on 25 years an autumn of child suffering in a baby in the Gaza Strip that could be used. If the children in the next period 340,000 children in the southern part of the Palestinian territory, polio is imputed. From September 9 to 11, the campaign with the impfung 150,000 children in the North of the Gaza Strip will be led to the end.

“Wir fordern, that the humanitarian Popes were still in respect. Wir fordern weiterhin ineinen Waffenstillstand”, said the General Director of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, ben Mittwoch erklärt.

Less than 90 percent of children in the Gaza Strip are protected against polio to the point that the disease is spreading and is being prevented. The second dose of the successful vaccine must be administered four weeks after the first. Children were prescribed in another day and six years.

The disease poliomyelitis – the medical treatment of childhood illnesses – caused by a virus that aggravates the spinal cord and can occur in childhood illnesses.

The war in the Gaza Strip will be fought on October 7 by the radical Islamist Hamas and other militant Palestinian groups in the Orte in southern Israel. In the brutal anger of the Islamists after the Israeli battle 1,205 people and verschleppten 251 Geiseln in the Gaza Strip.

In response to the Hamas raid, Israel has deployed the rapid eleven Monaten en masse militarily in Gaza strip. If the Hamas health needs are treated, it is not possible to receive more than 40,800 people.