
OpenAI-Rivale Anthropic Greift ChatGPT in Unternehmen en

OpenAI-Rivale Anthropic Greift ChatGPT in Unternehmen en

SAN FRANCISCO (dpa-AFX) – Chatbot ChatGPT is getting more competition in business with large companies. Another Amazon and Google member has added AI firm Anthropic to its software competition Claude is now in a Firm Subscription. Claude can merge his documents, analyze software code and use data evaluation suggestions to create sales strategies and development tools.

These functions are described in the standard way of life by Anthropic Manager Nicholas Lin. Many people can deal with the time, the functions are performed and their usefulness criteria are performed. The external version can be stored in a previous document with more than 200,000 pages of software code. It became an opinion after a long view does not come out, but it is a good exit point, Lin said.

The ChatGPT developer OpenAI can run one of the oldest companies in the business world for a year – and the power that Anthropic offers is a reward for the Mitarbeiter.

After the Anthropic in the history of OpenAI has started, ChatGPT can use more than a million subscriptions in the world and in high schools. Thus OpenAI had in April – before the start of the Bildungs-Angebots – of 600,000 customers in the business spoken.

There are more other manufacturers: So we have Microsoft AI assistance copilot based on OpenAI technology installed in their Office desktop software. While Anthropic wants to establish with Claude Künstliche Intelligenz as an “intelligent Colleague”, the information about the borders individual applications are omitted. There is a study of AI, the Nutzern call, one of the lenders./so/DP/jha