
Noch 365 Tag bis zum “Tag der Sachsen” 2025 · Leipziger Zeitung

Noch 365 Tag bis zum “Tag der Sachsen” 2025 · Leipziger Zeitung

Sebnitz looks forward to the coming years with greater joy, in Genau 365 Tagen, in the city of Herzen der Saxon Switzerland, Gastgeber des “Tag der Sachsen” 2025 sein.

Um diesen besonderen Meilenstein zu markieren, wurde gestern das Motto „Auf blühende Erlebnisse!“ zusammen mit dem Veranstaltungslogo in einem von der Sächsische Staatskanzlei in Rahmen der Kampagne „So geht Sächsisch.“ produzierten Videoclip der Öffentlichkeit präsentiert. This motto, which is based on a healthy lifestyle, reflects the unique identity of the city with traditional artistic craftsmanship, broader and provides a unique experience, which connects culture, sport, community, music and more.

During a press conference, which carries out the official Countdown for “Tag der Sachsen” 2025, Dr. Matthias Rößler, chairman of the Kuratoriums “Tag der Sachsen”, and the Sebnitz Oberbürgermeister address with his Grußworte and the Anwesenden.

“We are proud of the festivities that come with the people who live in Sachsen, together with our cultural experiences, we will be happy to welcome you, enjoy our great Stolz,” said Sebnitzer Oberbürgermeister Ronald Kretzschmar in his Grußwort.

“The motto ‘Auf blühende Erlebnisse!’ Soon there is no more tradition and no community is more together, than the way of life and the way of life, which Sebnitz eliminates. If you are overly concerned, then go to the party and design one of the moments where the tensions and the Freude-experiences exist.’

Together with the members of Sebnitzer Blumenmädchen, Leonie Werner, together with the Stadtoberhaupt and the Kuratoriumspräsident, symbolically the Start-up and start-up of the Countdown to the Fest on the first September week 2025. In parallel, the Event Website should also be present Social-Media-Kanalen released, which serve as central platforms for information and interaction in the communities around the festival.

On the Veranstaltungs website it is so comfortable that the interest when it comes to acquiring or verein a teilnahme registration. Auch Händler, the great Volksfest Sachsens can be reached with a stand, could take over the Händlerportal auf gleichem Wege. First of all, you will have a better understanding of the current status of the city.

“In one year it is about 30 years. ‘Tag der Saxony’ starts here in Sebnitz as the largest festival of the Vereine and the Verband in the Free State of Saxony. All 365 days – connected with the joy of a festive celebration – rejoice for the joys of the journey to high altitude. I am happy that I took the initiative and the great Unterstützung der Bürgerinnen und Bürger der ‘Tag der Saxons’ 2025 in Sebnitz will be celebrated throughout the world and in Zukunft.“ So Dr. Matthias Rößler, chairman of the Kuratoriums, in seinem Grußkruid.

The “Day of Saxony” began a year later on the anniversary and the premiere of a premiere: Sebnitz was the host of the first border-crossing “Day of Saxony” and made a beautiful broadcast of the regional Zusammenarbeit setzen. This extraordinary event takes place on Sebnitz, but is one of the most popular Czech cities Dolní Poustevna in the Festgeschehen-binden.

Robert Holec, mayor of Dolní Poustevna, has taken the initiative to enter into a partnership: “The cross-border ‘Tag der Sachsen’ offers a re-energizing opportunity, our city and culture can connect with each other. If we deal with Sebnitz, the festival of an unforgettable experience for all interests of making and friendship will further strengthen our communities.“

A weiterer of the fierce Veranstaltung war that was the first premium sponsorship of the “Tag der Sachsen” 2025: the Volksbank Pirna eG, the Radeberger Gruppe KG and the SachsenEnergie AG and the three regional premium sponsors of the major events. In short statements the sponsors in the Verbundenheit mit der Regio and their Freude, these benevolent events are meant to help. I have taken a picture of a sponsor organization, if they are their commitments and their partners.

“We will look forward to seeing more of the ‘Tag der Sachsen’ in the coming years in Sebnitz. It is a power that is not impressed by the role that costs the sponsor and financing of the sale of lives in Switzerland more money. First in the History of the Great People’s and Heimatfestes Sachsens is a Volksbank Premium Sponsor.” Gibt der Volksbank Pirna eG, Dr. Hauke ​​​​Haensel, did this.

“Unser Herz schlägt für unsere Region und die Menschen in unserem Geschäftsgebiet. Therefore, the Bank’s own standards in the Landkreis will be passed over the ‘Tag der Saxons’ by the Akteure and Vereine for more material and financial education.’

As a premium sponsor of the financing service, Volksbank Pirna eG has its own logo for the »Tag der Sachsen« and individual logos, which highlight partnerships and symbolise the organisation of the event.

Olaf Plaumann, Geschäftsführer der Radeberger Exportbierbrauerei: “As a brewery with over 150 years of Saxon Brautradition friends, I am the ‘Tag der Saxons’ in Sebnitz for sexual moments. “Gleichzeitig unterstützen wir die Seidenblumenstadt logistics met een bunten Strauss an Eventbedarf and Ausschanktechnik, das des Fest een in fuller follow-up.”

The Radeberger Brauerei is a stronger partner of the region that will invest in the tourism infrastructure in Zeeland Switzerland in the renewal activities, which will be examined in 2021 in the initiative “Gemeinsam für die Heimat”.

SachsenEnergie AG, the largest German municipal energy provider, is often active for the Gelingen in the region and will be attending Festwochenende with its SachsenEnergie-Mobil and other current activities.

“When it comes to externals, you can use a regional tag and set one of the cultural aspects of life at a certain time. Deshalb freuen wir uns sehr, als Premiumsponsor the ‘Tag der Saxony’ in Sebnitz to unterstützen and destroys the Community and the cultural Leben in Saxony to bereichern. We have been happy as partners for regional city festivals and local cultural events. Auch der ‘Tag der Sachsen’ has been heard and is still a highlight of our commitments.’ Erläutert Constance Jacob, Ansprechpartner voor gesellschaftliche Verantwortung at der SachsenEnergie AG.

Preparations for the „Tag der Sachsen“ 2025 are in full swing. A committed project team, which uses eight Arbeitsgruppen, is setting up one of the Arbeitsgruppen and one of the most intensive projects, and the details of the Festes. Support is the team that the renowned Dresdner Agentur Schröder has put on the Geschäftsstelle “Tag der Sachsen” in the Saxon State Chancellery.

This past month, on September 17, 2024, the next “Tag der Sachsen” workshop was found in the Sebnitzer Stadthalle. Here are all the interests that are loaded with herzlich, if they are active and working together with the project team and the implementation of these major investments.

These are the possibilities of the implementation formats, because all stakeholders and interested parties no longer have active plans and business information, with their expertise and ability in the previous e-inflies-können.

The project team is working intensively on the development of the party areas, one of the best mays and projects in the city center to connect. If the big themes are changed, it can be a strong network with a partner who is erforderlicht, which makes it likely that the content of the network will be changed.

Sebnitz is in the middle of an exciting year, in the city that has lasted so long, until the Saxony Day 2025 in full bloom and for a wonderful experience. The highest countdown start is symbolic of the beginning of the intensive preparation phase. “Thank you, Allen, who has taken great care in planning and organizing since, the ‘Tag der Saxony’ offers a unique location, our home in all its aspects of presentation and community. “resümiert der Sebnitzer OB in seinem Schlusswort.