
Ausflug des Singkreises St. Cäcilia Einsiedeln – Einsiedler Anzeiger

Ausflug des Singkreises St. Cäcilia Einsiedeln – Einsiedler Anzeiger

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Ausflug des Singkreises St. Cäcilia Einsiedeln Ausflug des Singkreises St. Cäcilia Einsiedeln

On Samstag, August 31, unternahm der Singkreis St. Cäcilia Einsiedeln a Ausflug nach Amden, a dort Sr. Ursula Raschle in Haus Alverna zu besuchen. Sr. Ursula war until the end of 2023 Teil des Chores. Der Tag war geprägt von common Musik, herrlicher Aussicht en geselligem Beisammensein.

Mitg. Coni Kälin, from Ehemann of chairman Rita Kälin-Birchler, introduced himself as the car driver for the trip and brought the group to Amden. In Haus Alverna, a holiday home of the Menzingerschwestern, live the Chormitglieder of Frau Abbing, Sr. Ursula and Sr. Luzia warmly welcome. When a house is occupied by the house, the house is furnished in such a way that the interest in the holiday may be greater. Guests can register at Mittagessen. Anschliesend vergammelte sich der Chor in der Kapelle and erhob de Stimmen zum Lob Gottes. The view from Haus Alverna on the Walensee and the many mountain wars are over.

Mittagessen in Hotel Arvenbühl Nach dem Besuch in Haus Alverna fuhr Coni die Gruppe zum Hotel Arvenbühl. Vikar Markus Dettling left the Mittagessen with good thanks and prayers. The Mittagessen war started not so long ago with laughter and lively conversations. Enjoy the wonderful view of the Walensee, the Linth Canal and the most wonderful mountain panorama.

Visit in Weesen The departure to Weesen was planned for 14.30. A choir glider studies the city of Weesen with the Kloster Maria Zuflucht and the Heiligkreuzkirche in the Bühl. There are several things that have emerged in the Walensee world.

At 4.30 pm, the Group de Heimreise an, since they are at the Welttheater Mitwirkenden right after the House.

Photo: zvg