
Warum Vitamin B7 (biotin) so important: Wirkung und Mangel-Symptom

Warum Vitamin B7 (biotin) so important: Wirkung und Mangel-Symptom

Vitamin B7 (biotin) is by the group of the B vitamin and is also called “Schönheitsvitamine” or “Vitamin H”, whereby the effect on the highest and hair repair is improved. A vitamin B7 intake is not automatically distributed through the hair, but in Germany the label that contains biotin is covered in its coarse effect. Exceeding the mixing ratios became a fact.

Mangel-Symptom does not occur anymore. An overdose is not possible, the body-overloading mixtures are separated. Interesting to know: If vitamin B7 is used as a medicine, if we do not use a blood intake, biotin can no longer be examined by the laboratories.

Wirkung: Wofür benötigt der Körper Vitamin B7 (Biotin)?

A number of health claims have been submitted for biotin by the European Body for Health and Safety (EFSA). These are health-related issues, which are relevant in studies. Vitamin B7 works normally as follows:

  • Normal energy metabolism
  • Normal function of nervous systems
  • Normal fabric made from Makronährstoffen
  • Normal mental function
  • Erhaltung normaler Haar and Haut
  • Erhaltung normaler Schleimhäute

The product is also marketed as a medium for strong nails. Laut der Verbraucherzentrale ist dit Wirkung aber nicht wieschaftlich bestätigt. Trotzdem Vale Nahrungsmittelhersteller in Werbeslogans ein Versprechen for “gesunde Nägel”. In the EU it is no longer possible to combine treatment with zinc or selenium and using the health claim for “Erhalt more normal nails” can provide the best results.

Because the EFSA has conducted one of the best biotin studies at the highest and its level, the provision of the vitamin in Germany has been found to be good.

Biotin-Tagesbedarf: Who introduced Vitamin B7 to the market?

The vitamin decay is different in people and depends on the treatment and treatment. Trotzdem gives you a vitamin-related reference. If you are concerned with the erasure of data, and you will increase the amount of substance you need, and also the healthy irrigation, with the sale of vitamin supplements.

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung proposes Tables voor jedes B-Vitamin voor Verfügung. The following Tagesmengen empfohlen was used for Biotin:

  • 0 to below 4 Monate: 4 µg/Tag
  • 4 to below 12 Monate: 6 µg/Tag
  • 1 to 4 years: 20 µg/tag
  • 4 to 7 years: 25 µg/tag
  • 7 to under 10 years: 25 µg/tag
  • 10 to 13 years: 35 µg/tag
  • 13 to under 15 years: 35 µg/tag
  • 15 to 19 years: 40 µg/tag
  • 25 to under 51 years: 40 µg/tag
  • 19 to under 25 years: 40 µg/tag
  • 51 to 65 years: 40 µg/tag
  • 65 years and quantity: 40 µg/tag
  • Pregnant: 40 µg/Tag
  • Static: 45 µg/Tag

Information about the DGE will be available in 2020.

Biotin Deficiency: What Symptom Can Occur With Vitamin B7 Treatment?

Whoever the Society for long time Vitamin research in a Merkblatt-mitteilt, says that a Mangel and Biotin are only bad. If one of the following symptoms occurs, this may be the following symptoms:

  • Hair loss
  • Muskmelon scones
  • Depressive pathogen during nerve pain
  • Oral replacements
  • Haut and Schleimhautveränderungen

Biotin: Mögliche Ursachen für einen Vitamin B7-Mangle

A vitamin B7 deficiency occurs in Germany in the Ausnahmefällen vor. It can happen that a mangle is born: if the person with a genetic embedding of biotin deficiency occurs, the symptom can occur when the disease occurs. Laut der Verbraucherzentrale a biotin deficiency in the dauerhaften can use the best drug treatment. Antibiotics and phenobarbital work together with biotin and can promote the Abbau nutrition.

The best bodybuilding diets are the results of rohen eiern empfohlen. These contain Avidin, the biotin binds and can hinder the absorption. If an alcohol dependency is in the diet, one of the vitamin deficiencies can occur. While the high consumption and the ethanol can be removed, the accumulation of vitamins can remain. Schangere gilts are used as a risk group for a biotin deficiency, which is in the Schwangerschaft and the Stillzeit schneller-abgebaut world.

If you use a biotin mangle, you can get a blood test or other vitamin. “A single biotin mangle (…) is practically impossible”, it is in the MSD manual.

Vitamin B7: Is a Biotin Supplement Possible?

Vitamin B7 is washed and can spread in the composition of the food – no matter how good it is. Exceeding the mixing ratio, which does not make the cooking good, becomes the urine that you radiate. Whoever writes to the consumer center, is not a negative follower of an overdose with vitamin B7. The DGE has no eye for vitamin phenomenon. Despite the fact that the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment does not rule out that an overdose can lead to unwanted effects in the body.

Bei fettlöslichen Vitaminen ist teilweise Vorsicht available. Zum Beispiel warn the DGE for a vitamin D dosage, with unprocessed food, which Nierensteine, entstehen could.

Vitamin B7: The chemical formula for biotin contains C10H16N2O3S.

Vitamin B7: The chemical formula for biotin contains C10H16N2O3S.

Welche Lebensmittel has lost vitamin B7?

Biotin is not harmful to health, but also to many of the after-treatment products. Who the DGE and the Gesellschaft for long vitamin supplements are, follows the following Lebensmittel with high biotin value:

  • Leather
  • Acorn
  • Hefe
  • Nephew
  • Oat flakes
  • Soybeans
  • Unknown journey

The DGE that merges the bell signals is the way the foodstuffs get to the recommended daily value.

Vegan addition:

Portion size Foodstuffs Biotin content per serving in µg
20 grams Leinsamen (roh) 4
50 grams Whole grain oat flakes 10
150 ml Soy drink 3
25 grams Walnuts 9
200 grams Spinach (chilled, cooked) 15
150 grams Travel (any, paid) 5

The maximum amount for a vegetarian diet: 46 µg

Vegetarian translation:

Portion size Foodstuffs Biotin content per serving in µg
100 g (2 scoops) Vollkornbrot with Sonnenblumenkernen 9
30 g (1 dash) Emmentaler (45% fat idTr.) 1
60 g (1 piece) cooking facility (garden) 12
200 grams green beans (garnished) 13
100 grams Quark (20% fat idTr.) 6

The maximum amount for a vegetarian diet: 41 µg


Portion size Foodstuffs Biotin content per serving in µg
150 ml Milk (3.5%) 6
150 grams Erbsen green (garnished) 7
200 grams Mushrooms (garnished) 29
125 grams Schnitzel (Schwein, fried) 7

The maximum amount for a vegetarian diet: 49 µg